Should I add restrictions to the media categories so that only member level users can view them?

So how do we view the other stuff. This is honestly kinda dumb to me that stuff is restricted. You can’t stop creeps from being creeps. They will still post the same type of stuff anyways and restricting stuff just kinda limits the community. I’ve lurked here without an account for quite a while and just read stories. I only recently made one because I wanted to ask a question on how to play a game. So from my perspective I think it is strange to cut off access to new people from content that will make them stay.


I wholeheartedly disagree. This will not stop all creeps but it will make it so people cannot just create an account and have access to a very niche fetish. We have been exploited as a community many times. If you have the fetish and want access to this stuff, it’s not hard to earn the credentials to have it.

There is a third level of trust as well (maybe more? Not sure). I like these parameters as this is not just a social club. This involves sexuality and more personal elements of a person. Everything shouldn’t just be right there for anyone who takes 60 seconds to create an account.

I think @Q has done a great job creating a community here with the limited options he has. I also think the chat room option is a great idea. I hope more people participate.


One problem is that we really should be accessible via search engines otherwise the community is going to stagnate. But if the site is searchable, that introduces another problem that for example Twitch streamers could google their screen name and find threads here which was also something that bfforums users didn’t want to happen. My reasoning is that this way we can keep the forums open to new members while not having those screen names be searchable. The creep thing is a legit issue too but not the only thing we need to solve.

But I’m also open to feedback and if this setup is less popular than expected, we can change it.


I’m glad you’re happy with the site, and those are some valid points too. Maybe people would share more stuff if it’s not completely open on the internet.

So an interesting side effect is the main page only has Uncategorized listed now, but I can still navigate through the Everything tab ->Click Female Media under a thread title to get to Female Media as a Level 2 user.
Edit: As in the only visible Category is Uncategorized

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Yeah you should be able to see all the non-media categories. Discourse runs scripts in the background that update various things so it might be that one of those needs to run to update your category view. Let me know if it doesn’t fix itself in a day or two.

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this kind of sounds like one of those mod decisions you look back on and say yeah that killed the site.


I don’t see how this would kill the site. Not like people have to pay for access(now that would be an example of something that would kill the site). There are plenty of websites that require you to make an account for access or reach a certain amount of days to become a full member. Hell, there are sites that require even further verification. This is pretty normal. It keeps randos from just jumping in and enjoying everything without putting in even the slightest effort(like simply creating an account). Also as @Q said, girls from YouTube, Twitch, etc can easily find their names on here if we just left it how it was. Bad enough we got folks on YouTube including girls names in compilations and linking their channels. I myself have seen a few girls on Twitch mention this website so yeah something definitely needed to be done to make that less likely. We don’t need this becoming like the old forum. The old forum became messy because it was just a free for all. This one feels more like a community and its best we take steps to keep it that way.

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I think this is perfect. Having someone look up their name with “burp” or “burping” at the end of it and a whole forum pops up talking about it, that’ll definitely weird them out. If they do a search on it say via YouTube and see a compilation, that’s not as weird because A LOT of people, both genders, have that on there so it’s not uncommon and they won’t think it’s weird or unusual


I find this change very interesting


Been an active lurker since the old forums… I agree with this change, or at the very least trying out this change. It’ll be interesting to see how it works out!


This is not me saying I am against the change, but just wanted to ask if there is a way to make the media sections noindexed or disallowed in robots.txt without restricting the sections to users? Or is the restriction the only way to prevent search engines from accessing those media sections?

If they’re a smaller to average sized channel it’d def be super weird to find a YouTube compilation dedicated to their burps. Especially when they look at the comments and see people talking about them sexually. Seen it happen too many times. As for a bigger streamer yeah wouldn’t be as weird cause they probably have so many things posted about them due to their popularity that it wouldn’t be that out of the ordinary(even though I have seen a few larger streamers get weirded out by it as well). But yeah finding themselves on an actual fetish website would surley be weirder.

This will definitely be a good change in allowing for more discourse and community amongst the members of the forum! Keep it up!

Yes!!! I think this would be a great idea

Been a lurker with no use of logging on to my account for a while now. Seems like a smart idea

@Q Is there any way to make it searchable or reachable via online platforms, but just incredibly difficult. I like the idea that if someone is into this fetish they can spend time and eventually come across it, but not have it accessible for any streamer or whatever searching their name.

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This would be a much welcomed change.


So the poll has moved from 75% yes to 55% yes in the past day. Okay, I acknowledge that this might be an annoying change for more people than expected so we can compromise a bit. The media categories will still be hidden from lurkers and search engines, but will be accessible now for anyone with an account.