Shyness is a turn-on

So I’m sure a lot of you have read my posts on having numerous burping contest with numerous female friends. Some of them weren’t even friends, it was like a one-day thing. But there are like three in particular ones that are extra sexy to me. It’s not the burps alone that come out of them that are extra sexy, but it’s the fact that they are shy around other people when it comes to burping. Two of the three, are just plain shy in general. To have a female burp for you, but not do it in front of other people because they think it’s disgusting, is a hell of a feeling. My one friend Kim, said that her boyfriend that she’s been with for over a year, hasn’t even heard her burp yet. Yet I’ve heard some of the most wet sounding, loud, and obnoxious sounds come out of her body for about 18 years or so. She’d be embarrassed to let other people hear that. For me that’s a major turn-on. Does anybody else feel that way, or am I alone on this? :rofl:


Oh, totally. This is actually probably one of my bigger parts of it, being an Erotic Relief Observance enjoyer. The burp itself doesn’t matter all that much in the grand scheme of things, but I want her to be shy, blushing, and adorably apologetic while she allows her body to do what it needs to do <3


Exactly… the only time that I have knowledge of her displaying it to someone who isn’t myself or her sister… was when she did a Sprite challenge on tiktok. She was doing good up until the very end and then she just couldn’t hold it anymore. two of the four burps that she released were unlike anything I ever heard come out of her. They had a different sound to them. The second one and the fourth one were huge. At the end of the video she put her hand over her mouth and embarrassment and her cheeks turned kind of red. But the fact that she lets out the most ugly sounding ones in my ear over the phone… with zero shame is Gold

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I didn’t read your post about having numerous burping contest with numerous female friends, where is it?

Not so much my posts but I’ve commented in a lot of different topics. I’ve mentioned a whole bunch of them that I’ve had competitions with over the phone plus the one that always Burps for me in person when we’re drinking…which is my Dominican friend.

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Oh ok, I thought you had created a single specific thread for your burp stories with female friends, my bad.

Nah, you’re good. I posted audio of my friend Kim in a rapid fire burps post.

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