Stories of mature women burping(late 30s+)

As rare as it is to see a female burp irl, it’s even rarer to see an older woman burp, it seems especially taboo once they no longer have the excuse of being a quirky twenty something. I was reminded of this a couple weeks ago when my manager(middle aged, mom bod, kind of an aging nerd type) belched in the office break room. She always has a la croix on break(and I always have a little anticipation in the back of my head for her to burp) and it was one of those situations where she had just started drinking it before getting called to do something so she had to drink it faster than she probably would have liked. She got up and a pretty forceful burp escaped her, big and deep enough to make me start in surprise. Because it was only her and a couple junior male employees in the room she was pretty casual about it, “You don’t mind do you guys?” Something about it made even sexier than it would have been a female employee my age would have been. You guys have any stories?


Wow, I am jealous! There is something that makes women in charge burping even hotter, so I really enjoyed reading that. Thank you for sharing!


No stories here and I don’t want to derail the subject, but damn what I’d give to meet Cheryl in real life. What a beast. I remember she was “older” back in the day but now that I’m older I’m even more into it.

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Once when my mom was driving me home from a party she was drinking coke and you could tell she had some gas to let out. As she was talking midsentence she let out a really juicy sounding burp. She excused herself and said she had been waiting for that to come out for a while.

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Hmmm, I remember being in the doctor’s office about a year ago and the nurse that was with me (jet black hair, late 40s if I had to guess, had glasses, had somewhat of a southern accent) did a pretty big belch as she was in the room with me. I remember she told me she just got back from her lunch break after doing so and excused herself afterwards.

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I’m gonna bump this with some stories of mature belchers that I like to return to. I’ve always been attracted to older women and the rare instance where I witness one belch is particularly enjoyable.

The GOAT was this woman I worked with some time ago, Maria. She was in her early-mid 40s at the time and worked in a call center with me. Mediterranean complexion, petite frame, she was unmarried and kinda immature for her age, but fun to hang out with. Kinda a “tomboy” vibe, but an attractive cougar nonetheless. One time, several of us went out to a bar after work and while drinking beers, I witnessed her release some incredible belches. This was my first time hanging around her and it was awesome lol. Like she would just be sitting there and let out a loud one every so often, and everyone would laugh, like they all knew of this but I was unaware! No shame from her at all. From that point on I would hang around her more at work, and usually after lunch she would let out a few loud but closed mouth belches. Just indigestion problems all around lol. What a woman!


Haha, you HAVE to give some more detail!

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One time during a job interview the manager burped in front of me. She was an older black lady (she looked around 45-50), had a mom body, and wore glasses. Mid sentence she did 4 closed mouth burps back to back and excused herself.