Story Idea?

So, @relus has an idea for a story with a virus that makes people burp a lot, and @thatoneguy and @doorajar think I should go for it. I find it an interesting concept. While I have the fragments of an idea, I’ll need y’all to give me some additional support. It’ll be a short story, but what should the characters be like? What is the virus like? What’s the setting like?

What story i end up choosing will be my first story ever, so it will be a school bus fire! It will be hard to read writing/format wise im guessing, but hopefully okay for some as a starting point, so I may end up choosing what is easiest for me to write about. I will share what Ive been thinking of so far.

Keeping all that in mind what I share may be what not to write about lol.

I was going to have the characters longtime friends, so this sudden change of gassiness in them was not a normal thing (they used to have occasional small burps, but these would be larger, deeper/change of tone, or more of them).

The virus could of came from a less expected way, like a bug bite, or a vaccine/medication that few would react to that way. I was going to try and avoid talking about covid or giving any real name to mine, to give some an escape from the harsh reality going on.

Anything to do with writing has always been beyond me, but I feel like ya got to try some new shit from time to time.

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I like this idea! I say go for it! I’ll probably write my version after I write some thoughts and another comfort fic (but it’ll have farts, so everyone should fucking run.)

Maybe have them polite with bodily functions before the virus, if that doesn’t sound too cliche. It’s be fun to see them try to suppress monster burps at first, before just getting tired of holding them in and just let loose. Up to you though, sounds like a great idea!

Include both genders. I have a personal fantasy fantasy of burping just becoming super normal and noone really cares.

Writes down both genders.
The burping with no one really caring reminds me of Wendales. Ooh, I need to get back to that…

I actually had some virus based weight gain and belching related stuff back in a story I wrote in 2018. I personally like the idea of the virus/bacteria/reason for the shift to have additional positive byproducts along with increasing eruptions: The Cure by Xerovore on DeviantArt

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I started reading this and I’ll admit, there’s no way I could write something as sophisticated as that. :sweat_smile:

Not everything needs sophistication, apply sophistication where it helps things and let it go when it’s not serving the greater good. ~^,.,.^~ I’m sure you’ll find a nourishing path for interfacing with a belching virus.

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I feel like a simple more down to earth tone is good for most stories.
Imagine harry potter written like war and peace, It wouldnt work.

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I’ll keep these thoughts in mind, @Isicera and @C. Thanks! :grin:

Y’all, I think I have an idea. Now whether or not you’ll like it is another story.

whats the idea?

You should be, @relus!
@thatoneguy Basically, a disease has been discovered that alters the way the body extracts nutrients from food. While it increases the level of energy and nutritional value, the way it obtains this energy creates excessive gas. It’s in a sense “______walks into a bar and chaos ensues”, but my characters have to deal with anxiety, social stigma, and learning to accept themselves. It won’t be long, but it might be more than two chapters.


Good idea! Or to show how things were before everything exploded. :wink:

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Same here on the writing relus, if it wasnt for math I dont know if I would of made it through school lol, english and history were bringing me down :laughing:

I will still attempt a story at some point, it will be something that if it doesnt go well it makes it on the list of well I tried doing that once, haha.

@GustyTraveler that sounds like an interesting idea.


Please do, mate! And ha, it’s the opposite for me; math has been giving me so many headaches, I’m not sure how I’ll make it to or through college. :sob:
@relus I actually don’t know my history grade… :sweat_smile:

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