The burp in this skit made me giggle🥴

I hope you guys enjoy this reel I found (burp about 10-15 seconds in). This is exactly how I’m tryna be with my partner in the future😭



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For sure :sob: :heart: .

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off topic, but since when Wendy’s had a Biggie Box??


I have no clue, I haven’t been to a Wendy’s in forever lmfaooo

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True Romance

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No for real ahahaha


This one special friend who’s no longer here with us, used to have some bassy… powerful ones. I was the only guy that she really did it in front of because of our special kinda friendship. We even had Piss competitions over the phone. Because she lived in a different state… I considered her like a long distance wife to me. We did meet up in person once tho. Love the way she used to burp mid conversation with absolutely no excuse me afterwards :heart_eyes:.


I’m sorry for your loss. I’m glad you got to meet her and have wonderful moments with her. Her spirit will live on with you as you find another person in this world as wonderful as her one day. I hope you can have a friendship that deep again…:heart:


Thank u for the condolences :heart:. Who knows… I probably will. Only time will tell

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