Making you this thread so you don’t obliterate the poor dude’s thread with your argument.
Use this thread to repeat the same arguments to your heart’s content.
Making you this thread so you don’t obliterate the poor dude’s thread with your argument.
Use this thread to repeat the same arguments to your heart’s content.
I just think life is too short to fighting. Transwomen are women and Transmen are men. these people here just want a fight.
@Astra You clearly have and I am not just talking about Andrea but I know of many a trans person that are sexy as hell but you can’t handle the fact that someone who was assigned male at birth makes you feel warm in the pants and makes you squirt sticky white love piss over the walls. you have possibly watch at least one transwoman without realising it as guess what you can’t always tell. get angry at me I don’t give a shit. you are wasting your life hating on such a small group of people because it makes you sexually confused. Finding a transwoman sexy does not make you gay, it makes you straight as she is a woman.
ah yes because when you Hate someone it means you like em!
sure let’s feed a whole elementary school cow shit cause when they puke it means they like it!
If you think those kind of people are sexy you’re as mentally ill as them
they do not look like women, they don’t even look like people. the moment they lose their genitals they’re no longer Human as the Biologic term to define a Species requires the organism in question to be able to generate fertile offspring, which they can’t anymore.
your people are obsessed with dicks
and frankly you’re ruining it for everybody else that is trying to live their normal lives without having none of your gay ideology shoved on their faces
yes that even includes your LGBT collective
if people like you would just shut the fuck up, there would be less people like me speaking up for the people who dislike seeing your people contaminating our sight and calling us out for being “Homophobic” when we’re just being normal people, good people.
we are tired of gay shit appearing on TV, on the internet, on the newspapers and on the streets, and if they would just be discreet and kept their shit for themselves like they used to, it would be better for everybody!
how would you feel if we replaced LGTB with Furries or Pedosexuals?
you wouldn’t feel ok being forced to watch a 40 year old man kissing with a 4 year old publicly would you? what if it was a teenager raping a dog? or better yet let’s make it so orgies between juvenile animals and people in fursuits are displayed EVERY SINGLE YEAR on the same month AND CELEBRATE IT ON OPEN TELEVISION!
now put that exact same degenerate shit on all media
how would you feel?
does it make you feel warm in the pants and makes you squirt sticky white love piss over the walls?
get angry at me I don’t give a shit. you are wasting your life hating on such a small group of people because it makes you sexually confused to see a kid fucking a dog
Finding an underaged furry orgy sexy does not make you a zoophile, it makes you a complety fine individual cause Humans are Animals, and animals can breed after one or two years after being born.
WTF are you on. listen you wanking cunthammer. times have changed. you know what you deem normal is not at all and you bring Paedophiles into this shows that you just want a fight. no one mentioned children and as for furries you are completely wrong, you are tired of “gay shit” not me. it is called being progressive. pick up a book and realise queer people have been apart our history since time began. you are projecting your thoughts here not me. this world will end so why should we not care about our fellow man. you lot are the reason queer people aren’t discreet because when we try to be you bitch and moan about it. let people live their lives. the term Paedosexual is used by Paedo defenders so the lady doth protest too much? also thing about animals, if you do that you can keep it to yourself. as for normal Cis Het people are far from. Ted Bundy was Cishet and he killed people, Hitler was cis het and he did awful things. the list goes on and on and on
times have changed? that’s exactly why I brought furries and pedophiles in
that’s what’s next in the menu when society starts accepting sexual immorality as the norm
the change is already running rampant behind the scenes, plenty of news out there of furries grooming and raping kids, animals and many other terrible crimes
Progressive shit is nothing but a sign of the decadency of the western society, and saying “Queer has been a part of history” also aknowledge Pedophilia and Zoophilia into the same box so you’re doing yourself no favors at all!
times DO need to change, they need to remove this degeneracy from the face of this planet.
Men were meant to be with women and nothing else, the difference between wild animals and civilized people is that we do not condone those actions animals are free to do.
if you like putting shit up your ass be my guest and go full monkey mode while you’re at it, spread aids and monkey pox if you want, since you clearly do not care about others and like to be a nuisance to them all the time
Queer people just live their lives and I would say quietly apart from protests and other things. Bigots are the loud ones screaming about people they don’t know and will never know. You have kinks that aren’t “normal” should you die? no that would be dumb. it is the same thing with queer people. yes there are some bad people but there are bad people in all walks of life. Criminals should be punished to the full extent of the law regardless of sexuality. Kids and animals aren’t consenting adults though which was the original point. Bigots moving the goal post to fufil their own agenda and points is a common one. you hating queer people is just you wasting your own life and again life is too short to worry about what random strangers do with themselves. who cares who people used to be, by that logic everyone here is a Paedophile as all the people you watch used to be children and you can’t change what you are.
the difference between me and them is that I do not go out of my house screaming
I do not make silly flags, I do not make merchandizing, nor do I force laws to force everyone to accept me or else, I do not post shit on the news or gather people to congregate to spread the awareness of belching fetishism
I don’t post burp fetish propaganda outside of it’s designated place and I specially don’t force people into adopting this fetish JUST LIKE TRANS TRY TO DO TO STRAIGHT PEOPLE, SPECIALLY KIDS!
LGBT is not a sexuality, is a cult, a religion!
people are free to like what they like, but they FORCE people into becoming what fits them better via Deception, Brainwashing and Social Pressure
frankly that should be a crime
Straight people have been forcing queer people to be straight. this really feels I have caught you out and now you are doubling down because a queer person gave you a happy once and you can’t handle it. no one is forcing anyone do anything, a lack of education causes people like you. telling someone that trans people exist doesn’t cause them to be trans. people taught me about straight people and guess what? I am not straight. the same with the other things I have been taught didn’t make me those things. I was taught about the IRA but I am not planting car bombs everywhere. I was taught about WW1 doesn’t mean I am going to be joining the army. if someone told something it doesn’t mean they become that thing. I was taught stuff about Donald Trump does that mean I should be doing what he does. no your points are just dogwhistles spouted out in the echochamber that you wank to. JK Rowling says the same things and it is honestly boring. Transphobes aren’t creative this is just recycled homophobia and racism. they said the same thing about the gays and people of colour. countless peer reviewed studies have confirmed that transpeople are people and they are a part of living.
proyecting your sexual fantasies on others doesn’t make them the truth kid
there’s a reason why straight people force queer people into being straight
they’re gross
it has been cientifically proven that watching two men kiss produces the exact same reaction as seeing fly larvae feeding on rotting meat
education has nothing to do with this, it’s a natural reaction that modern society is trying to desensitise people on so they can monetarily benefit from the LGTB being as profitable as it is today
even wondered why in some parts of the world it’s still illegal for gays to exist?
it’s cause they want nothing to do with the Agenda Imposed by the USA and first world countries
whatever, I don’t care what waffle you want to convince yourself of. you were clearly dropped on your head and your parents are clearly siblings.
I think the thread will be an endless circle
I think the problem basically stems from the fact that if you’re personally not attracted to trans people, then mistaking a transwoman for a biological female is an unpleasant experience. But even if it feels disturbing for a second, it’s not that bad and we should be tough enough to not make a big deal out of it.
LGBT stuff all over Netflix etc I agree is pretty silly, and is trying to make a point in the wrong way, but again it’s not a big deal. I don’t enjoy seeing two men kiss either but I’m not going to run away from the TV and I don’t have any problem with gay people, it’s just not for me.
Paedophilia we shouldn’t really bring into it since that has a clear negative effect on the people involved, while transwomen are not really hurting anyone. So not really comparable.
However in most people’s minds there is a clear distinction between biological women and transwomen so saying stuff like that transwomen are women suggests that people aren’t entitled to have the sexuality that they have, which I also would disagree with.
Maybe it would be interesting to try to actually define what, for a straight man, is attractive about a woman and unattractive about a man. It’s not as simple as just something shaped in a female way since then we’d all be falling in love with mannequins, but I’m not sure how to define it other than some vague ‘innate femaleness’ or something
You sound fucking stupid and you honestly should be banned
I think everyone is also forgetting that Intersex people also exist. So saying that you can either be born a male or a female is also false information. I’m disgusted by all this hate based on what genitalia someone has. Mind your business. Also the LGBTQ community has had to deal with straight propaganda for centuries. So I’m so sorry that seeing two guys kissing makes you feel insecure but that is on you.
Yer man is writing his life story haha
Time wasn’t right. It was moving too fast. And then I was 19. And then I was 20. I felt like one of those dolls asleep in the supermarket. Stuffed. And then I was 21. Like chapters skipped over on a DVD. I told myself, "This isn’t normal. This isn’t normal. This isn’t how life is supposed to feel. I thought a quote from a film seemed fitting to symbolise how quick our lives are
Intersex people are literally a mistake of nature
therey are both missing while possesing extra organs which happens to be atrophiated due to malformations during their development in the womb.
sexual organs have two ducts, Wolffian ducts and Müllerian ducts, The Wolffian ducts develop into the male upper genital tract, epididymis, vasa deferentia, and seminal vesicles.
Müllerian form the upper female genital tract and develop into the fallopian tubes, the uterus and upper part of the vagina
he Lower portion of the genital tract, which include the prostate gland, the penis, and scrotum in males, and the lower portion of the vagina, clitoris, and labia in the female, arise from the urogenital sinus and genital tubercle.
Intersex people either lack the proper ducts for their healthy development of their genitals while posessing extra external organs derived from other tissues that without the connection to these ducts can’t function normally, or they have both ducts functioning (which leads to many other urinary, hormonal and reproductive problems) while not having their sexual organs working properly due to the extra set of conducts that shouldn’t be active, this is caused when the conducts fail to regress when the correct Hormones are not pressent in the development of the fetus, why are they not present? the Gonads are not working as they should
TLDR: Intersex people are the product of Development anomalies in both the gonads and paramesonephric ducts
you’re either born male, female or as a mistake.
and if you don’t like it, go study biology!
This is a forum for burp fetishists also calling people mistakes is digusting
why are people bothering to argue with the astra dude, even the burp fetish guys over on 4chan hate him because hes an insanely creepy neckbeard lmfao. im surprised this forum still tolerates his presence.