Tutorials for bass/depth

Hey guys, I have a model friend who is trying to improve her bass. Please can anyone recommend tutorials for achieving this on YouTube or other video sites, or provide some text advice right here on the forum?

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Tell her to watch from 6:00 to 6:27 https://youtu.be/9vInxisocO4

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Thank you for the response, that video is hot, but the girl doesn’t really go into detail about how to change the pitch.

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This brings up a really interesting question about whether producing deeper burps can be taught, I don’t necessarily know if it can, but it’s interesting to think about

I’m talking with someone else who pointed out that classically trained singers correlate well with deep belchers because of their diaphragm control, etc. So perhaps someone like that could produce a tutorial. Also there may have been one along these lines on the old forum.