- automatically find burps in videos

Ah, if it’s a comparative thing, that might be my issue. I’ve honestly been setting the percentage to 1% all the time because, in my testing, it actually gets all the “good” burps with 1% and I only need to sit through 1 or 2 minutes of video. Having Twitch streamers with burp counters really helps to test this. :slight_smile: However, when there very few or no burps, that does appear to be when laughing becomes the dominate sound captured.

Yeah that sounds about right. 1% will get about 50% of burps, but in some streams it’ll catch most or all of them if the sound is clear and the burps are good ones.

So after you play it back, how do you actually pull/save the burps themselves?

The same way you would with any other video, you can download, screen record, or if you’re really crafty, you can write a splice of the stream to a file with ffmpeg

So the louder the burps, the more likely it is to catch it at 1%?

TC is correct, you can download the video and then keep track of the timestamp of where the burp is.

It looks through the video and ranks how likely a section of video is to be a burp. For example if your video is 1000 seconds long, and it’s set to 1%, 1% of 1000 is 10, so it’ll play back the top 10 seconds in the video most likely to contain burps.

I clip Twitch streams with TwitchLeecher and for Youtube I use HandBrake to trim the streams after I download them with Jdownloader.

I think there are a few tools that you can use to clip Youtube videos without downloading the full video, but I got used to clipping them this way.

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I use a tool that automatically clips twitch/afreeca vods and yt vids just by inputting and array of timestamps so I don’t have to download the whole thing or set a bunch of start/end times on twitch leecher

This tool is an incredible timesaver.

My 2 suggestions for possible upgrades are:
1- The possibility to mark the “good” timestamps to change the weights and train the AI (this feature should only be given to a small number of tester)
2- the possibility to download a text file with all the timestamps related to a certain sensitivity percentage.

This is probably unfeasible and very expensive to do with the way this type of network works (perhaps it could be done every n months)

This seems fairly feasible and is probably being exposed in the code right now.

I like the idea of that second suggestion.

What would you all use the list of timestamps for? It would be no problem to implement, but I’m curious if you mean to check through a video locally on your own computer or…?

If you download a video locally later (or even if you dont) you can check the timestamps and mark the “right” ones. Having a list of timestamps already made saves some ulterior time.

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For age restricted youtube videos, the embedded player won’t allow you to playback the video unless you open it on youtube’s website (I’m sure you could change something about the origin referrer in your browser to get around this, but it’s a hassle). So, by dumping the timestamps you’d be able to get around that limitation


I’ll end the beta testing here. Thanks, everyone, for helping out. Accounts will require a subscription from this point on which will cost $8 per month. But I’ve given everyone with an existing account a couple of extra free days before then.

Next new features to be added will be a timestamps download button and facebook video support.


Hi! I Just bought a subrscription but I can’t seem to get it to work. it accepts the URLS and says ready but no matter what % of the video I choose it just plays the whole video and not just the detected parts, it doesn’t start at the beginning though.

Any tips?

Nevermind this, was using an old version of Firefox. Works fine on the latest Chrome build.

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Glad you got it working, and thanks for the subscription. It should work with up to date versions of Firefox, Chrome, Edge, and other major browsers.

If anyone else has any problems send me a message and I’ll investigate.

I wasn’t here during the beta period. Can you offer a free trial or at least a video demo for those who don’t part with their money, even $8, easily

For anyone with time on their hands and want a good side project for their resume #freemarket

Yeah, send me your email if you missed out on the beta and I’ll give you a couple of days free trial to test.

I’ll check those links too, I hadn’t seen a couple of them. Here’s another one if anyone wants to try it for themselves.