What makes good burp content?

What’re you looking for when cruising for content? Things you like to see along with burping in videos?


Film horizontally and stay within the frame. Go shirtless if you’re comfortable with that. There are different preferences obviously, but most people here just wanna hear the bassiest burps you can belt. A fair number also enjoy closed mouth burps, so you could alternate every now and then. That’ll cover the biggest demographic.


I hate any videos of obnoxious burping. I like natural burps. I hate people who madly swallow loads of gulps of air or chug down a soda then deliberately open their mouth wide and give a big roar like “WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAPPPPPP!!!” To me that isn’t a proper burp if it’s mostly aided by muscles. I guess that’s for people who have a sexual fetish only. I don’t have a sexual fetish, so the gender of the person burping doesn’t matter to me, it’s literally all about the burp and its purpose and function that I get fascinated with.

I like to see someone rubbing their tummy, particularly a woman. Again it’s not sexual for me (I’m a straight female), it’s just the purpose of rubbing the tummy if it’s related to gas, it’s not the tummy nor the person I’m fascinated with. Just women seem better at rubbing their belly, but all the belly rubs I ever see on YouTube is belly play that is designed to feed people’s sexual fetish. I hate seeing flab squeezing, belly button poking and fast infrequent rubbing, which all it seems to be. I also don’t want medical videos of someone (without gas) showing you a stomach massage to relieve gas or constipation. What I want to see if someone with a genuine stomachache with gas (not period or pregnancy) and are lounged in a comfortable position literally rubbing their tummy in a slow, circular motion or stroking backwards and forwards, slowly, and letting out burps and farts as the video goes along. But nobody ever provides that.

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Trying to capture such natural gas and genuine comfort from rubbing their belly could be tough to get. Usually when you’re feeling rough and bloated and gassy you’re not really feeling up to turning a camera on. I bet with like ring cams inside of peoples home for security purposes prob capture that best. Natural in your own environment and if they find it amusing or funny enough to remember to pull it off the app so maybe refining a search more for that type of stuff could help finding that. I feel purposely doing something that makes you feel uncomfortable for the sake of making content could be quite unhealthy. But at the same time… if I eat ice cream or a big bowl of cereal I feel like that all day which could honestly be worth it on both accounts because I love ice cream and can’t have it all the time lol


I never really thought about landscape filming. It’s usually done on my phone so it seems more natural I guess when I’m holding the device to film in portrait. Shirtless def adds the ability to see the bloat as well as in when you fill your gut with air and that’s another thing I’ve not really thought of def adds a lot more to it. Closed mouth is a highly requested detail that and talking while burping but that doesn’t seem quite as common. Good tips thank you for the reply!


Public burps are underappreciated and rare! I’d love to see them. Whether it’s amongst friends or strangers, we love it when the burper doesn’t give a fuck and lets it rip around others :fire::fire::fire:


Also, just because you have someone say they don’t like obnoxious and huge burps, it doesn’t mean the rest of us agree :wink: the gigantic tube burp from your original post is glorious - also love hearing the other people around you! And you laughing at it like “ohhh fuck” makes it that much hotter as well!


Walking into an open public place full of people a mall crowded street etc and ripping a loud long burp and seeing the reactions are super underrated. Look at these crazy and overly dumb overly played out pranks people do in public don’t touch the room silencing head turning outburst of an unexpected burp can be some of the most entertaining and rewarding experiences lol some will laugh others will just shake their heads but the ones who find it repulsive give the best reactions… I’ve been thrown out of places for continually burping when I was younger and never once thought to record it. Now that you say this… def going to get some of this going now awesome suggestion!


It would be so amazing to see that, I’d definitely pay for that!
I do love the idea of other people being disgusted by your burps. Maybe you can set the camera on the supermarket shelf or something and burp there. So many options!

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Ohhh yeah a nice Sunday afternoon… people quietly shopping around you as you pretend to shop and just let it riiiip ha ha then just offer up some kind of apology and casually walk away like it’s nothing lol so good


You can even go for two different scenarios: one in which you do apologise and the second one where you don’t even bother. I think you’d find fans for either option :hot_face::hot_face: hell I would love to see you not even give a fuck to say sorry after being disgusting near a stranger


I am the polar opposite of this. I love extremely rude and obnoxious burping. And I hate natural burps. Funny how different people are even in this community.

For me, nothing beats an extremely confident man burping as loud as he can to turn as many heads as he can. I love that level of rudeness and shock that a dude with burping talent can produce.


I like the no apology option where I continue you to stand there shopping ha ha


All of these are ideas.

The shopping thing, an unapologetic Uber driver that constantly burps in the car, a roommate that burps super loud in the house and discovers you may have a fetish. This are all scenarios that are super hot.

Something about a really talented guy finding out you get off to the burping is hot too. At first it is just jokes to him, then he finds out you are aroused by it and he uses it against you to get you to do things like paying the bills or something of that sort.


If you can genuinely do the no apology scenario around actual strangers, you’ll have my money easily :fire::fire::fire::hot_face::hot_face::hot_face:

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I love to see a damn good burping contest between 2 (or more) guys that can really burp. Contest videos aren’t very common, and even when we do get them, it’s mostly just a showcase for one person who completely dominates while the others can barely burp lol. I would love to see a proper back and forth, guys confidently blasting them out and trying to outdo each other, bigger, louder, longer. (Might not be possible for you, not sure you can find someone at your level haha)


I have seen some videos of people with natural gas, but those videos are few and far between and some of the best ones have been taken off or privatised, which is annoying.
One woman done the no burping coke challenge but kept uncontrollably doing these loud burps, no muscles or skills involved. Even she was shocked at her own burps, and they sounded loud yet so natural. She rubbed her tummy too, saying how full she felt. That was a good video, but I can’t find that video any more and I can’t remember what her YouTube name was.

Also there are people farting (after all, you can’t really do fake farts on command like you can with burps), so that is natural, but I don’t like when people stick their legs in the air and let out weird-sounding farts. And I’m sure some fart videos involve a hidden woopie cushion thing. But most people get gassy at night, and I’d like to hear someone farting in bed, those natural muffled sort of farts from a truly gassy person. It’s not hard.

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For me it’s all about the manliness of it - the doing it shamelessly in a cocky/arrogant way - being proud of your burps/rating them/commenting them/burping in peoples faces etc.


That’s where I feel I don’t fit in much here, but I don’t know where else to go that suits my non-sexual fetish for burps.

I can’t help but do that because I genuinely get surprised by them sometimes and the sighs of relief are necessary because it really is relieving after stretching my stomach to almost burst with air. But I have to comment on them naturally it blows my mind sometimes how loud or long or deep they get and sometimes generally funny especially if I say something while burping it cracks me up lol