What's your sexual orientation? (Straight, gay, lesbian etc.)

Bisexual, mostly into girls burping though.

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Same but the opposite

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Biromantic homosexual :wink:

I’m attracted to anyone but I don’t like sex. So I have no clue.

so asexual?

I think asexuals feel no romance towards any gender soo, not sure.

Nah, Sexuality and Romantic Feelings are different. Like I’m Asexual but I’d still want to date someone.

  • heterosexual
  • homosexual
  • bisexual
  • pansexual
  • asexual
  • option missing

0 voters


Straight. I love it when females do deep, loud burps. It turns me on, totally sexy. I also like it when, while they are doing it, they put their hand on their upper chest, just above their boobs, with their fingers spread out. There’s something very feminine about that. It’s even sexier.

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100% gay :confused: Wish I could get off on girls burping. But only males do anything for me.


I find it interesting how even a split we have between all options!

I am a gay man

Bi female here who only likes when girls burp

Lesbian/sort of asexual but I’m into both girls and guys burping, depending on my mood. My BFF is a gay man and his burps are some of my favorites

I consider myself Asexual. Sex doesn’t interest me and in fact is a turn off for me, the whole idea of it is kinda yucky and repulsive to me. I have had sex a handful of times and each time I really did not enjoy it and was extremely anxious the entire time. I could not climax or stay hard for more than a few minutes. It was a bad experience all round.

The ONLY thing that can bring me to climax is a girl burping, other things can turn me on slightly such as boobs, a beautiful girl in general, hiccups and to a lesser extent bare feet. Things which turn me off almost immediately include all genitals, male and female (apart from my own of course), oral and normal sex, even touching a girls vagina is very difficult for me, it intimidates me a lot and I just do not like the idea of touching someone else’s genitals, it just doesn’t feel right to me, it repulses me immediately, and I mean no disrespect to anyone’s genitals and I understand I am completely not normal in this. For many years I worried about it so much and lamented I would never be able to have a normal sex life, or a partner at all really. And for many years I didn’t. And the one time I did get into a serious relationship, it ended within 3 months because of my inability to pleasure my partner, I tried very hard to make it work and went very outside my comfort zone to try condition myself to enjoy sex and sexual touching if only to pleasure her, but inevitably it just failed miserably, no normal girl wants to be in a relationship with a dude who can only climax to girls burping.

I’m not sure if this is normal even amongst those of us with the fetish, I figure most of you can still perform and be aroused by normal sex stuff and the fetish just adds to that. Seemingly for me the fetish is absolute and all other semblance of sexual orientation has been completely wiped clean. I am almost certain I was born this way as I have always felt this way, it is definitely not a choice. And though I am very grateful for the gift that is the burping fetish, it is a very heavy price to pay. I would give almost anything to have some normal sexual orientation on top of my fetish. But I have come to terms it is definitely never going to happen.

I am also a romantic asexual, meaning I still desire all the normal relationship closeness and everything else that comes with having a partner (except for sex). A difficult situation to be in. It would be easier if I was an Aromantic Asex so I wouldn’t have to constantly desire that relationship that will never happen, but no. And I guess I am straight if you count girls burping as a sexual orientation as males burping is a turn off for me.

So… Romantic Asexual, Heterosexual Burping Fetishist (only aroused by girls burping and only romantically interested in girls). I guess would be the “official label” lol


Holy shit I relate with everything in this post (other than having sex, but I imagine it would be like you said). Wish I had better words but yeah, I felt everything.

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WoW that’s awesome, I often feel somewhat alone with my sexual orientation, even here among others with the fetish. It’s good to know that there is at least someone else who feels the same way.

And yes I don’t recommend sex if you feel how I feel, it’s just a completely foreign and undesirable situation to be in for ones such as us. How old are you if you don’t mind me asking? I’m 32 but it’s taken many years to really figure myself out and come to terms with it.

I really had to come to terms with the fact that I do not see the world and other people within the same frame as most other people. I did not really understand how sex orientated this society really was and how it effects peoples decisions in ways I could never have imagined. And accepting that I am the odd one out and that I need to change my attitudes and outlook accordingly, even if I don’t have the same thoughts and feelings. I feel like I missed and still sometimes do miss a lot when it comes to the intricacies of peoples sexual relationships and thoughts. I guess as often as I think about burping a normal person would think about sex or something sexual. It’s just a hell of a lot more confusing and complicated to navigate when I haven’t even got a baseline to go off other than burping when it comes to anything sexual.

For almost my entire life I have been the definition of that person who inadvertently misses any and all innuendo, dirty comments/jokes, flirting and just generally comes across as a prude or just innocent (eventhough I’m just as depraved as the rest of us, just with burps.)

And the hardest thing to understand about sex is; WHY, why do people involve themselves in it even in situations when it’s clearly going to end badly for someone, then after the fact lamenting the complicated situations they get themselves into because of SEX. Peoples sex complications and dramas used to just irritate and confuse me because I didn’t realise at first that they hold some kind of special dispensation in their mind when it comes to sex that causes them to do things, say things and make decisions they normally wouldn’t logically consider. And I’m expected to relate to and understand that like a normal person (unbeknownst to me).

Understanding is so hard to find when there really is literally nothing to grab hold of, nothing to relate to. Just as a normal person could never relate to or comprehend how someone gets aroused and climaxes to burping, I can never comprehend or relate to how normal people think of sex, at all. It’s a completely subjective feeling and experience, so will forever be completely outside the realms of my reality, no matter how much I read, observe or try to understand it, I never truly will, and that does make me somewhat sad. At times I feel like the most unnatural/wrong living thing in the universe. It sometimes seems like sex, the desire to reproduce and all the normal sexual experiences people have are one of the fundamental things that make us human. And I suspect the sexual desire for burping is completely pointless and useless in terms of being an advantageous trait when it comes to natural selection, sexual selection or anything at all OTHER than to provide me with pure pleasure for the sake of pleasure. And as much as I desire to put some kind of reason or deeper meaning to it, there probably just isn’t one. But I appreciate this fetish as a gift and rather than trying to understand it, now I just accept it, explore it fully and embrace all the pleasures it can provide me.

Anyway, kinda went off on a tangent so sorry for the long reply. But feel free to PM me if you ever wana talk.



Gay. :slight_smile:


Bisexual. Impressed with the discourse on this topic. Did not expect to find a gem like this thread today.

Sexually, I have occasionally struggled to balance intercourse and fetish pleasure. However, I do enjoy having sex. It’s just far easier to orgasm when fetishes are involved.


I’m pan ^-^ I used to really only like male burps, but around high school, I started liking burps from all gender/identities. it’s hot regardless!