Who coded this website?

Always interested in knowing the background of how websites are ran. Lmk I have many questions!


I run and maintain the technical part of the site, though I didn’t write the actual forum software. What kinds of questions do you have?


Ive been interested in getting into programming! Or at least running a website. DM me?

To answer the title question: this site uses discourse, written by Jeff Atwood’s team.

I remember enjoying an arstechnica article about setting up a world-facing webserver, back in 2014. I didn’t end up serving anything publicly as I had trouble connecting to the house wifi with the old hardware I chose.

I imagine you can find lots of resources about system administration or programming. Reddit also has a number of subreddits depending on your focus. There are some other members who demonstrated relevant competence, ex @TC.
Good luck in your journey.


Interesting, well anyone who came back looking for their black Friday deals would have got quite a surprise to find us. hahaha.