Aesexual tendencies?

Wondering if anyone else due to the fetish doesn’t have the ability to be turned on by regular porn. Or does anyone require burps to be turned on in their sex life?


I consider myself to be asexual and I don’t find porn appealing at all.


Yeah not turned by sexual stuff either. Burps do more for me in that regard


Do y’all have normal sex lives still? Don’t mean that in a dickish way

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I’m not really interested in like sex in general but I do like jerking off and such. I feel like thats the whole point, like there’s other stuff you can do thats not straight up sex.

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all the way, i think normal sex stuff is gross. my fetishes are the only thing that can turn me on, so i consider myself asexual . i could still get into relationships though, i just dont know how itd work out if they want sex and i dont

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I’m pretty much asexual, with the exception of very specific solo guy porn (ie, cumshots), I have no interest in stuff that doesn’t involve burps/farts.

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I’m not turned on that much by porn or naked body pics. Moreover it took me lots of times having sex to finally enjoy the pleasure of it. If one of you almost feels like labeling himself/herself asexual but would love to enjoy “normal” sex, I’d say you have to get used to it and repeat a lot until you like it.

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I didnt lose my virginity until I was 21 and a lot of that was because I could only get turned on by burps. I had opportunities to do it early but couldn’t get over that hump (pardon the pun). I’d like to think I have a fairly normal sex life now, separate from burps, but still love going back to them.


I identify as demisexual, because I have developed sexual interest towards my partner, and we have sex occasionally (not fucking though, we mostly practice gouinage), but even so, whenever he’s doing something on me, I have to use a video to actually be able to cum. I’ve accepted that my fetishes are the major part of my sexuality. I’m also lucky that my partner is super cool and encouraging with it, and he doesn’t find that annoying or weird.
I feel like I’m getting sensually (not sexually) interested in other guys more easily, but I still don’t feel like having sex with them, I just want to hear them burp or fart most of the time, or at most make out and cuddle with them.


Tbh I also consider myself to be a romantic as well so the urge to be in a relationship isn’t there for me. I kinda content with where I am with this fetish


I wouldn’t label disinterest in regular porn as asexuality. If something causes sexual feelings, you have a sexuality.


Well its more to do with a lack of interest in sex, then anything else. Like I like to jerk off to burping but like anything sexual isn’t appealing to me. I’ve never been interested in seeing guys naked but I find guys attractive and like to see them burp and stuff.

I would want to be in a relationship with a guy but I wouldn’t necessarily be interested in having sex with him. The idea of penetrative sex in general is a turn off for me. It’s definitely not something I could see myself doing. I like getting intimate but I draw the line at certain things.


I also am not interested in regular sex, oral is okay, but that’s pretty much it. Not sure if that makes me asexual though. Also I honestly don’t think I ever fapped to porn, I’m disgusted by seeing sperm (that’s not my own of course).

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I don’t know/unsure…I’d like to talk to some one about this though, via pm. someone very experienced, someone thats been in a lot of relationships, preferably someone bi or asexual.


A lot of people have experiences like that. I can, to some extent, get aroused by regilar sexual stuff, but 90% of the time I use my fetishes to get there. Not sure how / if that’s gonna translate to sex with others irl, but not too worried about it.


It’s very interesting I really like to learn about psychology I’m no psychologist by any stretch but I read a lot of studies and people’s personal takes on their own behaviors.
Myself, I’m 17 never had sex but have had opportunities and I have never got off to porn before won’t even get me hard. But I am attracted to females even without burps that’s not even a requirement for me to like a girl I consider myself straight but I was questioning am I actually asexual. I’ve known there is a link between fetishes and asexuality. So I made this thread to see others with the same fetish as me to reflect on myself.


The thing about that is…this fetish is a secret, no? At least for me. Calling myself asexual makes more sense in the grand scheme of things, as I’m not interested in and even repulsed by sex. The kink wouldnt come up in a regular conversation about my sexuality


Technically speaking I wouldn’t call anyone with this fetish asexual, but yeah, I could imagine it’s a useful excuse if you need to explain to people why you don’t want anything.


There’s a debate going back to 2012 on about the boundaries of asexuality. It’s mostly settled around a more inclusive definition where asexuality can mean (a) you feel no sexual attraction whatsover or (b) you feel no desire to participate in partnered sex.

People have invented a bunch of sub-categories of asexuality to denote the different granularities there, like for instance I reckon autochorisexual would be useful in the context of this thread.

But I find those more specific sub-categories are less useful as labels; it’s important to let potential partners know that you’ll never want partnered sex, but mostly TMI to let them know that you still masturbate (unless it’s important to you that your partner participates while you do it… in which case there’s a whole other debate about the definition of partnered sex :P).