Burping Convention

I was brainstorming with an expert burper about this concept of a burp convention focused on the fetish itself, burping techniques, contests, interactions of every sort from mild to wild. Every deviation in the fetish would be explored from every angle from vore to Ruttosound-style competitions to tutorial workshops. What stumped us is where to have such an event and whether it should be segregated or scheduled according to who is into what. Where would be have it? How do we get people who have kept this kink a secret to come and openly admit it. We always ended up realizing nobody would be willing to do it or come to it. But, just think about how amazing it would be if everyone let down their guard and showed up to an event focused around a common kink.


I feel like it’s maybe too specific for a full convention, but maybe I don’t understand the scale of our community. Like, there are a lot of specific branches and deviations within our fetish but those branches get thinner and thinner, the more specific you try to get. I think the most valuable aspect of the idea is just meeting other fetishists in our community as actual people and that’s something we could all be doing here (or at least jumping off from this platform to somewhere else) but we don’t. I think more in-depth discussions on some of the issues that come with our fetish would be valuable, but I’d argue that kind of discussion is still pretty rare on this anonymous platform, so why would we expect to see it in-person?

I feel like the more important step is just trying to get community members here to engage with each other more in ways that aren’t just sharing content to get off to, and actually try to form connections that can go beyond just how we can help each other cum.


I second this. If we’re to seek building community in convention then perhaps we should work on the community in the spaces we already have. This forum could be a far greater and more open space for the lot of us if it was more focused on the human qualities of having a fetish rather than the overwhelming emphasis on content for horny people with a unique kink. There is a great anonymity on here but we’re all humans on the other side of the screen. Ought there to be someway we can better speak to that, perhaps with the intention of “coming out” into the mainstream via conventions?

I would love to have a convention but I don’t see the scalability under the current culture as expressed through this forum.


Totally agree with you, Shadow. Wanted to also mention The Fart Fetish Podcast which I stumbled across a month or so ago, and though I don’t share that fetish, I found a lot of what its host, Raj, has to say about his experiences with his community and the similar issues with a lot of content sharing but not very much empathetic human connection to be really resonant, and his platform of hosting fart fetishists to have long-form human conversations about their experiences is something I really admire and got something out of listening to. I don’t necessarily think we need our own podcast but I do think creating an enviornment here or elsewhere where people can be more open about more than just like sharing stories about how they like to get off. I’m currently really only using the forums for the discussion category and even there it’s rare to see much involved discussion about living as a fetishist, and I think that’s a shame.


Thank you for sharing the resource. Fart fetishism is a significant part of my fetish expression and has always been tied with my eructophilia. I’m eager to delve into this and am surprised I hadn’t yet encountered it (being a podcast whore).

I think it would be good for more of us to explore our relationship with the fetish and the nature of the fetish beyond mere sexual gratification. Conventions would be excellent for this but there’s also room in this space for more diverse discussion. Perhaps some of us who feel this way about the state of the forum ought to write more on the subject…

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If I can suggest an alternative (though it may have some of the same issues as the convention idea), maybe it be worthwhile to have some kind of live discussion group via audiocall on like discord or something where every now and then, people can get together to talk semi-anonymously about their experiences with the fetish, their concerns, their anxieties, etc. Like something between a support group and a shared interest club for people who are interested in having those kind of deeper, more personal discussions.


That’s a wonderful idea. Nobody should feel alone with this fetish thing, but everyone should also feel free from anxiety as well…or at least be able to talk about it openly.

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Will we be able to belch during the calls?

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That’s a great matter to bring up. {No Pun Intended}.

Many people cannot belch on command. There has a way to respectfully exclude/include people like me who cannot burp. There should be rules and boundaries established for sure. It’s important for “lurkers” to know their place or lack thereof for transparency.

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I think much could be gained from looking at how other fetish communities arrange safe, welcoming gatherings. This is a 26 minute video about bdsm dungeons and events by youtuber Evie Lupine.

For example, she describes a community practice of reserving a restaurant backroom where members of their community can talk candidly, but is still lower stakes than, say, a dungeon. And yet, the gathering is still just a meal, so people wouldn’t need to pretend they are in a book club.


My personal preference would be no. We have the Personals category here to link people up virtually or in person with other people that they can explore the fetish in that kind of way with, but I think my idea of a call discussion space would be focused just on intellectual discussion rather than engaging in fetish activities themselves.
And also, I’m a lesbian, I don’t really want to hear men burping in the same way I wouldn’t want them to flash me. Like, I’m into burping but I’m certainly not into everyone burping and I think the intellectual common ground is the important part and the goal is to get beyond sharing content to get off to.
But it does seem like having that kind of personal discussion space could make it easier for people who want to link up outside of it and engage in play sessions to meet each other.


But if some kind of audio call group discussion is something people would be interested in, I think we should absolutely try it and see how it goes. I think it could be a great way to deepen our community and each to broaden our relationship to this part of our sexuality. Just want to gauge the interest.


A controlled discord group or something could work. I know they always failed in the past. But maybe if we only invite trusted people. Cause god knows I wouldn’t want to communicate with some people on here.

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Would love to know more about where previous discords failed

I personally don’t know myself since i never join them but i’ve seen like so many discords start and fail. Same with Telegram groups that go inactive like a few days in.

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Yeah, I assume many of them are essentially just trying to be the forums over again which is doomed. But I think a server that really just exists to schedule and fascilitate audio calls probably wouldn’t be too hard to manage as long as it stays focused on that small goal?

Yeah I would say so

People have tried and failed to form chat rooms for as long as the forums have existed, before telegram and discord etc we even had an irc room once but only a couple of people used it for a couple of days.

It seems that the rule is if you’re posting content then people are going to stay but just for conversation it doesn’t last very long. I guess there’s only so much you can say about sexuality until the conversation dies and then everyone just idles in chat.

I think if we want to encourage a sense of community here it needs to be about more than just one thing. We should maybe think about what else we could do together. It could be something as simple as idk watching someone’s twitch stream, or having some page to watch films together, or some other game server of some sort etc.


Thats actually a good point. We definitely would have to find other common interests if we want this to last.
I’m not very knowledgeable about movies, cause I usually don’t have the patience to sit through one alone. But if I vibe with the people I’ll gladly give them a try in a watch party. (That’s what I do with my gaming friends from time to time)

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I have an idea: it is gassy game nights