Burping Convention

I think it’s difficult for a lot of the fetishists here to ‘let their guard down’ beyond the anonymity most of us have developed for this online space. Trust is an immense hurdle, as well as sexual openness (but that’s just a cultural crisis). It doesn’t help that online spaces suffer under anonymity due to ‘creeps’ who bring toxicity to these spaces (though, I feel this has actually gotten better since I was a younger fetishist).

I think it would be good for folk here to develop closer relationships within the community. We support each other and facilitate safe and healthy expression without infringing on the level of privacy we choose to operate through. All of us have struggled with the fetish as it relates to self expression, I feel. Perhaps if we actually discussed the suffering of the fetish with greater compassion and guidance then we would see that we’re all a bit more alike and that the ‘creeps’ truly have been just the loudest and loneliest voices.


I understand your point. My look on this topic is this, rather looking at suffering, it is better to having good time and leave them eith honor and respect. It is ok I like the Stories here to read. We are in a niche forum. Don’t shit, where you eat. :slight_smile:

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I agree with Shadow. I don’t want to project too much of my own shame onto other people but my eructophilia has always been a complicated and often not positive part of my life. A lot of users here seem content to engage pretty thoughtlessly with whatever content is around, but I’ve always found a lot of tricky ethical questions come with the fetish that are worth talking about and rarely get much spotlight here. I previously refered to my idea as being more like a “support group” and, again, don’t want to impose too much of my own negative feelings around the fetish or treat it like there’s something wrong with us, but I do think it’s something that I’ve struggled with and has made it harder to understand my own sexuality. I’m not saying we need a space where the most anxious of our community can wallow in shame, but I know I’m not the only one who doesn’t have a simple relationship to this fetish, and oftentimes exploring that side of things can be kind of squashed here on the forums in a simplifying way, where I think actual conversations digging into more of it would be helpful for having a healthy relationship with it. Maybe it’s just because I haven’t had a place/person to talk to about this stuff more openly and personally, but this is part of my life and who I am, and because of that it’s kind of always changing and my relationship is evolving and I don’t think I’d really get tired of a semi-regular, scheduled discussion space if others are into it. I have no idea what the interest or longevity in such a space would be, but I think if some people are interested, it’d be worth trying and seeing how it goes.


I think it would be beneficial at a virtual gathering or even a convention to have a quick means of identification with as much detail as one is comfortable providing.

  • my gender/pronouns

  • I can burp on command or not

  • I am willing or unwilling to burp for or with others

  • I only burp around others who can burp on command or it doesn’t matter

  • I am into female burps, male burps, burps of any gender

  • I am into natural burps only, on command burps only, or both

  • I am into stuffing/feeding/vore/belly inflation

It would eliminate all the awkwardness of that typical interrogation people get, and lets them find their niche in our tribe quickly. Likeminded people with the fetish could establish friendships with like-minded people into the same things.


i wouldn’t mind joining if we ever make this group. I never really spoke about it out loud with other people, only in text form with other friends I made on this forum. But I think I’m okay speaking about it with people who I know have the same fetish. It sounds like it would be a lot easier.


Should we plan a gassy game session?

What would that look like for you? Perhaps this is a good thread to discuss what certain kinds of ‘meet ups’ and discussions would/should look like. :smiling_face:

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It looks like playing a game and having a chat

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I personally feel that while a game might help to draw people in more than straight talk, it might also serve as a distraction from more intimate discussion. I guess I was thinking of the vibe being closer to an Anonymous meeting or group therapy, though not necesarrily as grim as either of those. A loosely structured place for people to bring their problems and share expereriences, but not a place to share content or burp with/for each other. I think community building is important but I also see a history of people here asking for support in a way that I don’t know is really easy to do in the distance of forum posts, and I think that’s arguably more important to create as a safe space.

How do you propose we may build such a space for such community support? It does not seem terribly intuitive, having run into the issues we have with this space… It’s almost the kind of thing that would have to be built person by person and that may be problematic.

I think I have an answer, but first, I want to make sure we’re on the same page. What do you see as the primary issues or the need for building person by person?

The primary issues, as far as I’ve ever seen, are the simple distance the internet generates between us as humans. That distance excuses I’ll behaviour in some and seems to encourage such folk to become creepy, inappropriate, or simply unethical. Thus, person by person we’d build something that worked to overcome the distance that generates that dissociation with compassionate humanity.

That make sense? I suddenly feel out of my depth. :joy:

Correct me if I’m missing something but I’ll just layout the process I’m imagining.

  1. We reach out to people who have expressed prior interest in more community support or have been active in giving advice in the discussion threads to others asking if they’d like to get involved
  2. We create a discord server with the limited functionality to support scheduling meetings and a call space to have them
  3. We create a seperate thread here advertising the discord and explaining the intent behind the group
  4. We schedule our first meeting and post the date/time in the discord and the forum thread

In terms of how meetings might go

  1. We might have a brief introduction to what the intention of the group is
  2. We have introductions where everyone can say a bit about themselves (including gender, orientation, other interests @ruttofan)
  3. We ask for any pressing issues and anyone who has a topic they want to raise can bring it up, such as if they’re seeking advice on anything with the fetish and then we can discuss that
  4. After any/all issues are addressed, we can go into more general discussion style where people can share more general experiences/history with the fetish and how it impacts their life and would allow others to compare and build off of that.
  5. And then after a set amount of time for a meeting, maybe an hour or two, we would do a little wrap up, and if people want to continue any conversations elsewhere/privately, they can go from there.

But this is just one idea of how it could go. Would love to hear suggestions or potential issues. Does that answer your issues, @shadow?


That sounds about as clear cut as we’d manage going into this. Thank you for such a detailed view. Let me know what support I may be able to give in seeing this to fruition.

It is likely we will run into some issues with timezones. Hopefully we will be able to accommodate a time that works best for the most.

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Yes! Timezones and scheduling will definitely be a challenge, but I think we’ll just have to see who’s interested and what will work most pragmatically for the people we have there (though if we keep doing these, maybe we could vary times to allow people from more distant time zones more of a chance to get involved? IDK).

I think the best thing we can do now is just finding people who would be interested in participating in this kind of space. It’s only as valuable as the people we have in it so I think we have to find those people, some of who might not be super frequent posters on the forums. So just reach out, here or elsewhere, to anyone you think would be interested and we can get them on a list or something.


I’m from Germany, so if I just boldly assume that most people are from America, it will be a little hard for me to keep up, having a full time job and all. But on my days off I’m a real night owl having no problems at all keeping up with your guys timezone.
But I’m still down to join, having this fetish for most of my life and being part of this and the old forum for at least half of my life. I’m genuinely open for meeting new people and this seems like it could be a fun experience if it all works out.


I’m based in Atlantic Canada. I think it’d be rather nice for some us who have been with the forums longer to engage with an open dialogue like this (i also migrated from the old forum rip). It could really become a safe sort of space for people to vent and explore the everyday human side of living with a fetish.


I loved it when I realized people from all around the world derive pleasure from this weird fetish. I always keep several time zones in my phone, so I can determine when my friends with the same kink will likely be awake.

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Right now I don’t have any substantial things to contribute, I just want to say I support this idea 1000% and think maybe it could be the first step to something wonderful :slight_smile: The forums are honestly amazing and helped me so much over time to be comfortable with my identity, but there still could be so much more. For example, I find it amazing/curious/interesting, that Ruttosound is the only “real” official belching contest/event in the world. Is burping so much more normalized in Italy compared to the rest of the world? I don’t think it is. Which means, it basically only takes determination, organization and hard work to establish something substantial and lasting, even if it’s niche.
As most people probably don’t know me as I post really rarely, I’ve been here since the old forums, I’m a 30 year old guy from Germany, I can burp really loudly on command (sadly I’m to this day totally closeted in real life, nobody would ever expect that from me actually), and my second fetish is long hair :slight_smile: (consequently I myself have dreadlocks down to my mid-thighs haha)
I’m now realizing that it’s not really the right place to open up like this, I guess I feel like doing that because this thread seems like the start of something amazing which will all of us to feel more comfortable and open up more, which for me personally I want really badly and has been a struggle my entire life.
Whatever, I’m totally in favor of this project and I hope something will come out of it!


I think your most valuable contribution is admitting you have the fetish and that you envy other parts of the world that are more open to it, such as the idea they had to include a hard-core burping competition at the Reggiolo beer festival, so Ruttosound was born. Even though YouTube is fading away as far and burp content, the advent of Ruttovibe and Ruttarello have perpetuated the Yanagi burp reaction media frenzy.

But, part from comedy or competition, we are left out. Where is our “tribe” represented? Sure, we have a few content creators who do burps to appease our desires. But, we who have these desires need to share our experiences, our struggles, as well as our burps and love for burping.

I must confess that this idea for a burp convention came from some long chats I had with Phantom. Like it or not, Phantom was a key player in the whole community element of our “tribe”, especially in the days of TinyChat. Both members of our fetish forums and outsiders would experience hearing burps and the people who admire them in a casual environment. I had hoped that the frequent meet-ups we had on TinyChat would be start of a community that deserved its own sort of Comic-con for burp fetish aficionados. Here are some recordings of those fun live burp forums that used to go on very late into the night:


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