Burping Convention

I really love where this is going. As I’ve gotten older I’ve been way more upfront about my fetish to other men. I do think people have such niche interests even within this fetish that it may be nice to break it up like that. Or have zoom calls that highlight a certain part of our fetish and people can jump on and off as they please. It would be so nice to see the people behind the keyboard because I bet you are all amazing people! Hope something happens with this!


I would love to work on this and watch it grow.


Phantom is going to haunt me and kill me when he realizes our secret DM conversation resonated with so many in our “tribe”.

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Does anyone know how the furry community developed to the point where they have conventions? I don’t personally know, but seems like their interests and background could shed (pun intended) some light on how the belching fetish community could prosper in a similar manner.


You are definitely right. After all, Ruttosound was an offshoot of an annual beer festival.

What is ruttosound?

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It’s an annual burping contest in Italy. There are different rounds. In one round they burp as loud as they can in front of a decibel meter. They do the longest continuous burp they can. They burp talk long phrases. Finally, they do freestyle burping utilizing video, music, skits, and get judged on creativity. It’s hard to imagine so many skilled belch pros in one place.

This sounds like an incredible idea, I’m in the Midwest and it feels like every friends that has the same fetish online is somewhere so far away. Plus I also really don’t know how big the community is but it would be incredible to see everyone in one place for a convention!

I’ve not been to a furry convention but even those seem fun just cause it feels so casual when they are all together. The closest I’ve come to something like that was when I went to a Gromm Off if anyone is familiar with that. It was just a bunch of gainers gathering at someone’s apartment rooftop and it was such a lovely time

I don’t know if I have a great skill set to help make this happen but if help is ever needed please let me know!! :laughing: