I burp probably excessively. I would say maybe about 50 times a day. More if I have a lot of carbonated beverages or really garlicky or fibrous food. Too bad I can’t get off to the sound of my own burps. But recently I have come to enjoy having others hear my burps if they respond to them.
Last night I was having some beers with a friend I have only known a few months. I ripped a decent burp (deep, loud, and maybe about 3 seconds long) and then another a few seconds later. This had been probably the 20th burp but for some reason, maybe because they were so close to each other, my friend exclaimed, “Jesus!” I felt pretty proud.
I also burp alot but I have never counted how many times I have burped.
If it’s not too personal of a request, I’d be interested in seeing some of your burps!
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I also constantly burp at home alone. They are pretty loud but so hard to catch on video. Would be the dream for a guy who is also into this 
I just learned to burp in… September, and now I CANNOT STOP. I love it. They just get louder and louder :3
Neither have I. I’m just estimating. Do you think I should actually try to tally them? I think that could be an interesting experiment.
Do you mean on command or did you have the condition where you can’t burp?
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I had the condition where I straight up could not burp. It SUCKED. I’d just like… gurgle. At first I had to do throat exercises, then push my chin forward, and now I’m getting to the point where they’re sort of involuntary. I had my first mid-sentence burp a few weeks ago and I’ve been over the moon xD
I don’t put my face on the interwebs but I uploaded some of my burps to the male audio chat a few months ago. I think they’re still there.
I grew up in an open burp household do yes lol.
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You should do a burp workshop for RXXX sufferers (I can’t remember the acronym; I keep wanting to say RHCP which is Red Hot Chili Peppers lol)! Having to burp in the middle of one’s sentence is usually pretty funny. I don’t think that’s happened to me in a while where I couldn’t control it.
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That sounds uncomfortable! My mom burps a lot too and I was constantly disgusted. I actually didn’t burp at all around her. Somehow they managed to contain themselves. No one that knows me would ever fathom that could be possible!
Haha, maybe I will. I have some long comment somewhere about it on the thread associated with R-CPD, but no one I’ve worked with so far has really practiced consistently. You have to like, want it. If your emetophobia is too strong, it won’t work.
Is emetophobia common with R-CPD?
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Click the chat bubble next to the logo and then go to male audio and scroll up.
EDIT: I guess they expire. I reuploaded some.
It’s likely the cause. Some people insist it isn’t, but they nearly all have a massive aversion to vomiting. If it’s just muscle weakness, it tends to resolve itself. I personally think the surgeons who do the special operation for it WANT it to be genetic, but I personally don’t think so.
I had the same thing but I became able to burp in March !
YES QUEEN! <3 It’s so fun! Today I’ve just been absolutely belching, it’s a lot to get used to sometimes xD feels so good though