Does anyone else burp a lot?

I burp probably excessively. I would say maybe about 50 times a day. More if I have a lot of carbonated beverages or really garlicky or fibrous food. Too bad I can’t get off to the sound of my own burps. But recently I have come to enjoy having others hear my burps if they respond to them.

Last night I was having some beers with a friend I have only known a few months. I ripped a decent burp (deep, loud, and maybe about 3 seconds long) and then another a few seconds later. This had been probably the 20th burp but for some reason, maybe because they were so close to each other, my friend exclaimed, “Jesus!” I felt pretty proud.


I also burp alot but I have never counted how many times I have burped.


If it’s not too personal of a request, I’d be interested in seeing some of your burps!

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My Dms are always open

I also constantly burp at home alone. They are pretty loud but so hard to catch on video. Would be the dream for a guy who is also into this :pig:


I just learned to burp in… September, and now I CANNOT STOP. I love it. They just get louder and louder :3


Neither have I. I’m just estimating. Do you think I should actually try to tally them? I think that could be an interesting experiment.

Do you mean on command or did you have the condition where you can’t burp?

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I had the condition where I straight up could not burp. It SUCKED. I’d just like… gurgle. At first I had to do throat exercises, then push my chin forward, and now I’m getting to the point where they’re sort of involuntary. I had my first mid-sentence burp a few weeks ago and I’ve been over the moon xD


I don’t put my face on the interwebs but I uploaded some of my burps to the male audio chat a few months ago. I think they’re still there.

I grew up in an open burp household do yes lol.

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You should do a burp workshop for RXXX sufferers (I can’t remember the acronym; I keep wanting to say RHCP which is Red Hot Chili Peppers lol)! Having to burp in the middle of one’s sentence is usually pretty funny. I don’t think that’s happened to me in a while where I couldn’t control it.

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That sounds uncomfortable! My mom burps a lot too and I was constantly disgusted. I actually didn’t burp at all around her. Somehow they managed to contain themselves. No one that knows me would ever fathom that could be possible!

Haha, maybe I will. I have some long comment somewhere about it on the thread associated with R-CPD, but no one I’ve worked with so far has really practiced consistently. You have to like, want it. If your emetophobia is too strong, it won’t work.

Where? I did not find it

Is emetophobia common with R-CPD?

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Click the chat bubble next to the logo and then go to male audio and scroll up.

EDIT: I guess they expire. I reuploaded some.

It’s likely the cause. Some people insist it isn’t, but they nearly all have a massive aversion to vomiting. If it’s just muscle weakness, it tends to resolve itself. I personally think the surgeons who do the special operation for it WANT it to be genetic, but I personally don’t think so.

I had the same thing but I became able to burp in March !


YES QUEEN! <3 It’s so fun! Today I’ve just been absolutely belching, it’s a lot to get used to sometimes xD feels so good though