Does anyone else not care about the gender of the burper?

I notice a lot of straight guys say that hearing other guys burp is a turn off, which is really interesting to me because I think a burp is a burp. I am not sexually attracted to men at all, but I don’t mind consuming content of burping guys as long as it is not sexualized. To me it’s like enjoying a burp from a woman you’re not attracted to. I guess I am a bit more open-minded when it comes to sexuality than most, and liking what you like is okay. I do find it a bit strange though to hear a great burp and have some kind of panic wondering if the person who burped was female or male. I just wanted to normalize liking burps of any gender even if it doesn’t align with your sexual orientation. We are all a little bit “abnormal” anyhow.


I think for a lot of straight ppl (including me) it does matter cause it’s simply all the matter of what gender you’re attracted to.
Scenario i just thought of;
Person A; Uurrp

Person B; hmm, that was good but are you (gender I’m attracted to)?

Person A; I’m (opposite gender)

Person B; Awww


I understand what you say, there are so many good burps from men, so deep, long and sexy. I’m straight, sometimes I like to hear some guys burps while I’m looking for some good burp art or just close my eyes and imagine those burps are from women. I’m not attracted to men but some burps are much better than some women’s burps.


I think of myself as straight, and in general I’m not attracted to men burping, but once in a while if a certain guy rips a particularly good belch, it does something to me lmao


I’m straight and I’m attracted to girls’ burps; to smell of it, sound and the fact that it comes out of a pretty girl’s mouth. For this reason, I’m very disgusted by guys’ burps. If I heard it in a movie, ok, if it’s sound. Similarly IRL if it’s not near me, because I understand that this is the nature of guys. If I’ve listened to guys’ burps all day somewhere, as an antidote I watch girls’ burping on YT. However, there is one thing I can’t stand under any circumstances. When a guy burps close to me. It’s disgusting as hell. I’m afraid I’ll smell something. It’s just like a guy is unknowingly molesting me, unacceptable. However, I would love it if a pretty girl did the same to me. This is due to my sexual orientation.


I tend to agree with your last sentence. But instead of thinking it unfortunate, I think it’s a burp buffet. Sexuality is obviously a tricky and touchy matter for some. I think a lot of life happens in gray areas though!


Yeah but many things are tend to be sexual for some when it’s no sexual for others.

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As a straight man…I personally hate when a man burps around me. I feel like he’s uncouth and he didn’t have to be that close to me. Women on the other hand… I feel like it’s real impressive and wonder if she could do it again.


Coming from a gay man, I hate when women burp. I find burping to be a very masculine act, so I find it very awkward and impolite when a woman does it. On the other hand, when a man does it… Hot as fuck.


To answer this myself as a straight girl, no, I only wanna hear men burp, and don’t like when it’s a woman.


I’m gay and mainly interested in men burping. Girls burping in general doesn’t interest me, but occasionally if I want to get off really quick I will watch a girl video. Honestly it helps if its a girl doing something I want to see a guy doing like bloated burps or on command burps while touching their stomach. So in my head I kind of picture a guy doing it or at least thats the general frame of mind I use when I’m watching a video that has a girl burping in it anyway


My burping on command fetish has very little to do with my sexual preference. I’m mostly into guys apart from burping. But, I am completely and profoundly aroused by the sights or sounds of gulping air, inhaling air, and burping on purpose regardless of gender. 90% of the time I get off to guys doing it, simply because there are way more audio and video files of guys burping. My fetish also doesn’t demand that a person be in good physical shape or attractive at all. Once I know they can burp anytime they want through gulping or inhaling air, I am turned on and have the urge to masturbate. Now, to clarify things, I never seek out real world encounters with on command butlers. I keep it in the impersonal realm of OnlyFans, Chaturbate, and the Male Burp Database.

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I mean, from a gay perspective, it doesn’t turn me on when a woman burps and under circumstances it just turns me off greatly or can even make me uncomfortable (similar to if a family member or an unattractive male does it regardless of gender). I’m just not attracted to women and only like it when men burp, and more specifically those I find attractive. A burp is a burp, but that same logic could be applied to any fetish. Feet are feet, for example. I think it’s great that works for you, but for me it’s definitely gender-specific. I’m only attracted to things men do. In terms of sex scenes and stuff, it’s different because I can relate to affection and all of that, but in terms of fetish material, yeah no I only like male-content/experiences.

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Agreed. I only like male burps but make an exception for female burpers if they are deep and sound manly

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Funny enough, I had actually assumed I was bi growing up, but only recently put the pieces together and realized I was straight because I only was attracted to burping videos of girls, LMAO


Now this is really interesting. Why did you think you were bi to begin with?

Out of curiosity, for those who only like burps that correspond to their sexual orientation, are you repulsed by actions/body parts of the gender you’re not attracted to, or does the intensity of the fetish mean that you feel especially negatively when the “wrong” person burps?

Interesting! Your philosophy is like mine but your tastes are in reverse (I am attracted to women and some nonbinary people and prefer natural burps). Why not seek out real world encounters? Would it spoil the fetish for you if it is accessible and no longer a fantasy?

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I would just be using them for their burps, and I would offer nothing in return. Keeping it as a fantasy thing eliminates that.

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