Does anyone like being the one burping?

I remember back in the old forums there were people who said they had this side of the fetish.

I’m not really sure about where I stand in regard to this but it would be interesting to hear experiences from people who do.

Are you doing it for the reactions (e.g. you like it when people get shocked or maybe slightly annoyed), or do you just like the act of burping in general/breaking a taboo?


Nowadays, I prefer to be the one burping. My fetish did not begin this way; initially I preferred to be the observer of burps, but as the years have gone on the physical act of burping for others has become the dominant element of my fetish. (Even better if they burp back, the ideal situation is a… dialog). For me, I love the praise… it’s gratifying for me to impress people with my burps. I think that it makes me feel masculine, and skilled, and it’s way of sharing intimacy with someone. Plus, it just physically feels very satisfying to produce an excellent burp.


As the comment above said, my fetish did not start but currently I also like to do it (no more than receiving burps lol) I have already done it with some “women” in this group… and I say “women” because I could only certify that it really 2 or 3 are women, the rest I just sent them a few burps and they disappeared when i asked them for proof that they really are women… I think that is the problem in this forum… and I say this with a lot of experience… there are many homosexual men becoming pass as women to receive free and unauthorized burps from another man.


That’s really interesting, I’ve thought/dreamed a bit about this but never got any further in my timidness so I like what you said. If you are good at it, have some women been impressed? That’s an appealing idea/scenario…haha

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It’s interesting to hear some say that their fetish began with being more into hearing the burps but transitioned to more the other side, cause I kinda feel that way too. I like both, but I’ve thought about this and I think I know why the shift occurs. For me, I have gone through my life with minimal female friends who burp. Not even burp well or not, like, pretty much all of my close female friends today I’ve never heard let one utterance of a burp.

When this is the case, you kind of feel like (especially as an introverted person like I am) it is nigh impossible for your fetish to be satisfied in that way IRL. Naturally then, if you like the reactions of people (in my case as a hetero male, women) to your burps, THIS seems like the more possible fantasy to be satisfied. I can’t burp on command, but at least I can have a beer or soda and let out a few burps and clock the women around me’s reactions. Therefore, those fantasies are in some small way satisfied.

The negative part for me is you really do feel kind of like a scumbag being so deceptive at times. I try and curb carrying it out so much, but when you start drinking alcohol it’s hard not to sink into it. But I guess that’s another discussion people have had before even on the other side (eg. is it right to encourage women to burp around you, that kinda thing).

Anyway, that’s where I stand on it.


i wouldn’t say i’m into it per se, but making other peiple horny by burping at them is fun too.


Hmm :thinking:


I love when others belch and burp

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I like both ways, tbh! Hearing others burps is a fun time, but I like just getting the relief myself too haha

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Heterosexual men thinking all gay men admire them is the funniest shit to me. Don’t stigmatize us.


Bruh. Its my experience, what do you want me to say? Anyways in this forum itself, look at the personal section, when they say Xy/o W or F… look at all the men commenting that “she” disappeared after a couple of burps or similar situations… what can i say? it’s the truth.

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You should probably reevaluate how the women are treated. You can’t just assume they’re gay men pretending. Like how much of a narcissist can you be? You ever think that the women are uncomfortable or turned off by creepy advancements? That’s more likely the case.

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That was a similar experience to mine. I was totally unable to burp till few years ago (not even with liters of soda) and I admired a lot and was massively turned on by whom could release good ones. I remember I was farting all the time, which I hated, I just really wanted to burp so bad. Till it suddenly happened and I started practicing and improving regularly. I am now making my daily exercise to get better and I am so turned on when a loud or nasty one comes up on command or even naturally. I am very proud when they are particularly stinky, as it feels like they are more part of me, carrying my signature. And the thing that makes me very horny is the idea of having a cute boy in front of me, I block his face with my hands and release all the power and the smell that I can in their faces. I love the idea that they enjoy something so nasty coming out of my stomach, something that they find so attractively disgusting. I want to look in their eyes while they shake with the pleasure of getting my thunder in their face and sniffing it with guilt and excitement. I want them to open their mouth and then I stick my lips on theirs and make them feel the echo rumbling inside their body, percieve the reek with their sense of taste in addition to their sense of smell. I am now what I admired so much when I was a teenager and it’s such a turn on. I am always looking for guys willing to undergo that. Now, I still enjoy the experience to get the burps back, if it happens, especially if they are good burpers and hot boys, but it’s more of an add on bonus rather than the main goal. I am still not turned on by farts, but I have started to also appreciate the idea of farting in a boy’s face and, more in general, the experience of inflicting several types of physical humiliation to guys who enjoy to be victim of such a nasty treatment. Always looking for volunteers, so don’t be shy and get in touch if you are interested, it’s such a waste to let my gas out without anyone to enjoy it, don’t you agree with me?


I only like doing it for females, but only females who are competitive, and want a competition or either females that get turned on by them ( which are a rare breed). Other than that, I’m too ashamed to do something so ill-mannered around other people.


I absolutely can’t get enough of being the one burping personally! x3


You’re making a good point here. The fact that those “women”, as you said, disappeared on you does not automatically make those people gay men. Those women could have simply stopped texting cause of other reasons.


And to the point here, I LOVE LOVE burping, just as much as I enjoy hearing burps just as good as mine. Really enjoy showing off my skills, but I do like feeling like it is retributed, either with good burps or in other ways hehe (so that it feels it’s an exchange).


I always been the belcher in my friends group I’m the type of person who let them go out I think in my entire life I keep my belches only few times
I just love rip them it doesn’t matter where I am if I have to belch I do it as loud as possible
I train at Belching so I am pretty loud my friends use to call me Italian yanagi but anyway the fact I love and excites me about being the one who belch is the people reaction and the fact the I understood that lot of women are attracted to it
I have lot of female friends and 70% of them are literally fascinated by those ultra loud ones
So belching alone for my own pleasure makes me excited cause I can go really loud but what makes me a lot excited is doing it in public possibly in front of females


Exactly this, sounds fascinating/thrilling to my timid brain…!

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Another here who started purely with the fetish of watching others, but borne from the fact I couldn’t burp up until my early teens. But after learning how to burp on command and the subsequently be able to burp naturally, me being the one also burping has become a huge part of my fetish. It makes me feel powerful, confident, skilled, and really masculine (I guess as a kid I felt like I wasn’t masculine not being able to do it and was super jealous and fascinated by girls who then could). Turning on others with my burps in particular is a big turn on for me. I love igniting the fetish in other’s knowing how it fuels me. The feedback, the praise, the evidence of getting someone to cum to my burps is hugely satisfying. In the right mood or moment I can capture that and use my own burping to turn myself on, too, which has been a fun consequence.