Psychology behind the burp fetish

Has anyone ever thought of the reasons why they like burping? I think I just like the uninhibited, free, almost visceral nature of it. Which is why I mainly enjoy natural burping the most, or burps that I can believe are natural. Like I enjoy when girls don’t hold back, but don’t force it either.


I have a theory. I know that often, people are turned on by (or at the very least, attracted to) things that are considered to be “taboo” or impolite or frowned upon. From a young age, most of us were taught that burping should be covered up and not done openly. As we get older, we might start questioning the “why” behind it - why is it that it needs to be hidden? Then we might start exploring it and seeing it as a sort of guilty pleasure, if you will. If that exploration stage coincides with the point in our lives where we are developing self-awareness, it could turn into a fetish (or just a deep enjoyment).

Another theory I have is that the enjoyment is a subversion of a previous bad experience. I had a few bad experiences with burping when I was growing up, and the longer I thought about those experiences, the more I became curious and wanted to find out why it had affected me like that.

I’m not an expert by any means, but that’s just my 2 cents worth :slight_smile:


When i was like, 5 or something (16 now), my dad showed me a video of this chick burping (i specifically remember it being MMMCAKE, actually) that he thought was funny. he’s always been into gross out humor. i thought it was funny too, so the next time i was at my cousins house i tried to show it to her on her laptop. i didnt find it but i did find a whole bunch of stuffing videos, and i was intrigued. i specifically remember my cousin trying to see too but i turned away because it was “boy stuff” lmao. It wasnt a sexual thing until about 5th grade i guess. it was just interesting and i liked seeing chicks with swollen stomachs burping. I think all the cartoons that had characters burping added fuel to it too. So in a way i owe my burping fetish to MMMcake…which is a really weird thing to say.


a lot of the time fetishes like this come from experiences at a young age and my theory is that not only would it come from the taboo but the intimacy that comes with someone being comfortable doing it around you or with you witness to it, since most women would find it embarrassing or uncomfortable doing it infront of someone they like


Mine also started around 5th grade :slight_smile:

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Mine started when I was in 4th grade, largely thanks to cartoons of girls belching (Jade in Jackie Chan Adventures, Mandy in Grim and Evil, Vicky and Wanda from Fairly Odd Parents), and then it graduated as I saw real girls belch (Candace from U-Pick Live and girls from my school).

I think for me, I’ve always enjoyed girls doing something rebellious/tomboyish or unladylike (not farting though). Burping (especially before YouTube) has been especially thought to be a dominant, masculine showcasing of power. So it’s always been exciting for me when a girl (nowadays, a woman) does something so “offensive,” especially on purpose or without any care.


For us, the fact that it is “taboo” or “impolite” has absolutely nothing to do with it.

It’s more… biological, yes… Smeagol likes female burps in the same way he likes female titties and asses, precious. We are not sure exactly what that is but if we could describes it in one words, it would be “robust”. We finds it sexually attractive in the same way we finds anything sexually attractive, by its association with something fit and healthy and strong and feminine.

It’s like Smeagol associates a healthy, strong burp with strong, healthy femininity.

Does that makes sense, my precious?


I agree with what @mike_rowave said. I think for me it has a lot to do with the intimacy of someone being comfortable enough to burp around me. (I’m sure that’s not the entire reason but it’s at least part of it) My big thing is that I’m really attracted to people/characters that are super like aloof and put together (such as Kyoya Ootori from Ouran High School Host Club or Levi Ackerman from Attack On Titan) I think seeing someone like that burp is extremely hot.

My attraction is especially prominent in people like that.


So, I don’t know if anyone here remembers but I used to be SIlmaril on the old site and I did a survey trying to pinpoint possible correlations between fetishes and certain factors growing up. It ended up being sort of inconclusive but I think there were a couple things that I found interesting but I don’t have the work in front of me right now. I know I wrote it down somewhere, and unfortunately of course what was on the old forum was lost.

I realized though that my questions were too complicated and I should have narrowed the survey down to simpler, more concise questions. I actually really want to do it again with a better series of questions and hypotheses. If anyone’s up for that, lemme know. Fetishes are really still relatively unknown, and as someone who has majored in the sciences I actually want to one day study the causes and correlations of them.


I think mine developed from a young age, my grandad would burp every time he drank tea and he would drink multiple cups a day which would produce these huge loud burps. I think as a kid I was fascinated by the sound of how loud it is.

At the age of 13 in high school, girls in my maths class decided to have a burping contest and one of them burped like a guy which again amazed me.
Then when I was 15 the guys in English class decided to see who could burp the loudest on command and that’s when I discovered it turns me on.

At the age of 16 I started watching YouTube burping videos of guys and girls but I remember being mostly turned on by MMMCake and Nintengirlx9…

As a female I found it hard to confess to anyone about it as a fetish. But now my current partner of 6 years knows about it and he burps for me on command so I guess I’m glad I had the guts to tell him.


I’ve always wondered if it’s some sort of crisscross in wiring at a young age due to parental figures. My mother is a really good burper but it completely grossed me out when she burps. However, I’ve wondered if some wiring got messed up when I was young. She also used to be athletic and I have a thing for somewhat muscular women. It’s strange… but it is what it is. Anyone else have parents who are good burpers?


Even if mother is the template for female sexual attractiveness, still doesn’t explains the fetish, since normies’ mothers probably burped too and they never developed it.

I don’t really know when it started for me, maybe 4th grade? I don’t remember what clip got me into it, but I think for me the fetish has to do with manliness (I have the fetish for guys, I’m gay). I know that burping doesn’t necessarily equate to manliness, but something about how raw it is and how “boys will be boys” appeals to me. In my opinion, this thought doesn’t really seem that farfetched or weird, unless/until it’s labeled as a burp fetish.

I suppose another angle can be considered when taking in the analogy of gay men liking guys who are straight, or at least act straight.


I was getting more at the fact that my mother was good at it. Obviously there aren’t a lot of girls who are openly okay with and good at burping. But I have no idea… just a thought.

Like you, I also had some bad experiences with burping growing up. Part of me sometimes wonders if my negative experiences correlate with the psychology of the fetish (for me at least).


There are a couple of factors at play with me. When I was growing up my father did it a lot. He had terrible table manners. I think my mother went overboard in making sure my manners were impeccable. The problem came when my friends,neighbors and classmates would burp it always turned me on. I’m gay, so it was always the guys who did it for me. My college boyfriend would do it in front of me constantly. He was very masculine, so like minhoesy said it also became synonymous with virility to me. I know many women do it, but men really get me going.


What kind of bad experiences did you have? I agree with you about the correlation. It makes a lot of sense to me - a lot of fetishes grow out of negative experiences.


Its pretty personal, but my rapist used to antagonize me with his burps all the time. I was 14 when i was assaulted and sometimes i wonder if the fact that he burped all the time to annoy me and make me angry somehow turned sexual. Idk :person_shrugging: :person_shrugging::person_shrugging::upside_down_face:


Oh no! I’m so sorry you had to deal with that! I hope you’re feeling a lot better now, mate. :frowning:


I realized I liked burping females when I was about 14 in 8th grade the girl I had a crush on used to burp really loud and I had science with her and the teacher thought it was amazing how loud she could burp, so burping became normal in the class the teacher would burp the students would burp and I noticed that my crush was so much more attractive when she burped… then I watched a video on YouTube “Burp Babe Mandy” and realized I got really turned on by it and the rest is history.