Psychology behind the burp fetish

Dude, that would be awesome!

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I think mine has to do with two main things: domination and intimacy.
When I first developed this, I was with a friend who constantly bossed me around and made me feel small and weak. Burping and farting were considered taboo in my house, so gas was my mindā€™s way of rebelling against my friendā€™s ā€˜holdā€™, if you will. Revenge porn.
The intimacy came later. As loneliness set up house, I thought about how burps can tell someone what you ate, and my personal favourite farts reveal the asshole, something covered until that special person comes along. Oddly enough, I still have revenge porn fantasiesā€¦
So yeah, those are my reasons. :slight_smile:

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I agree with a lot of what others in this thread have said. It definitely has something to do with the appeal of doing something that would normally be taboo. Itā€™s also likely a reaction to our upbringings or events that happened to us when we were younger.

When very quickly learned not to burp and to hide it. I was a sensitive kid and I think I was petrified of the idea of anyone finding me rude so I adjusted quickly to be repulsed by burping. But Iā€™ve noticed throughout life that not everyone feels that way about burping. I picked up on my own reaction to people burping without shame around me and eventually I started making innocent google searches (at a young age mind you) to see what would come up. That was when I discovered fetish videos and burp compilations. If someone outside of the fetish were to ask Iā€™d want to make it abundantly clear that the internet didnā€™t ā€œcorrupt meā€ or give me this fetish as Iā€™m sure some people would claim. That seed was planted long before then by society, my upbringing and media. Hell, comics or books I read made me feel a certain way at a young age just for including burps in them.

The last thing Iā€™d like to add is growing up we hear people burping mostly at home where its away from the public because it is considered rude/disgusting. Through this, I think burping has become a comfort for me because I subconsciously associate it with the comfort of home. I believe that at least partially the image of someone burping on the couch in front of the TV is attractive to me because of this.


I would say, for me, I noticed it around middle school (7th grade to be specific). Before that, whenever a guy burped I thought ā€œgrossā€ but always felt something. In 6th grade there was this hot long haired guy 2 grades above me in gym class and in the locker room he used to rip burps shirtless after class. It got me pretty hard.

In 7th grade something urged me to look up videos (as well as farting ones) and I pretty much realized I had a fetish for them both. And itā€™s been that way ever since lol.

As for the reason behind it, I canā€™t really pinpoint it too much. Itā€™s not dominance or taboo or intimacy. It just kind of hits me as something hot someone does just like anything else theyā€™d do thatā€™s attractive. Canā€™t say it stimmed from anything in my younger days outside of the obvious cartoons. I do have to say I have an interest in digestion, the digestive system for some reason, especially in learning about what causes gas, etc. Might explain why I find natural burps/gas far more attractive than air-sucking/command/forcing.

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The first time I really remember getting into burping is when one of my male classmates burped in front of me and I was so drawn to it, I asked him to burp more and he did.

The next time I remember is when I was in 4th grade and my class was making their way back to the classroom and a upperclassman walked by and let out a burp, he seemed pretty satisfied afterward.

I distinctly remember one of my male classmates talking about how cool the burp was and my teacher said it was disgusting.

It was then I used to think my dick was a burp detector because I would get hard whenever a guy would burp around me. Obviously I had no idea why that was the case at the time, I just knew I would get excited around guys who burped.

Anytime I would overhear a guy burping during lunch, I would position myself next to or near enough just to hear the burps.

Iā€™m guessing the reason, Iā€™m so drawn to guys who burp is because of its a way of asserting dominance and showing off. Letting everyone become aware of your presence. Its also a display of confidence to burp in front of other people without being embarrassed. I knew so many guys who would do it and not give a fuck who heard them.


Smeagol is curiousā€¦ is there anyone else here who gets the idea expressed in his post, and is attracted to burps for the same or similar reasonses?

I agree with a lot of whatā€™s been said here, especially in regards to the taboo aspects that apply to so many fetishes.
As someone who enjoys burping almost as much as I enjoy hearing it, thereā€™s certain aspects about the fetish I enjoy that I havenā€™t seen anyone else bring up yet- specifically, enjoyment of the physical sensation of burping. Much like an orgasm, the buildup followed by a rewarding release is nothing short of pleasurable. Thatā€™s true for many people even without this fetish, but the way I correlate that sensation as being orgasmic in a way does set me apart from most people (i.e. those without this fetish).
Does anyone else feel that way as well?


I think I already sort of explained this in the ā€œshould this board be split?ā€ thread, but I like the actual sound (very piggish and sort of gross but the right amount of manly grossness I suppose lol?) I canā€™t remember what started it but Iā€™ve had this fetish since I was a very little girl and Iā€™m now 30.
Itā€™s about liking when a guy ā€œacts like one of the lads/guysā€, whether you like a macho or laddish personality, being attracted to masculinity as a female and feeling all girly over manliness and men. Iā€™ve even met other girls in my time who also like it when guys burp. (Itā€™s definitely something very unfeminine- plus deep sounding burps are definitely associated with men as men have deeper voices therefore normally have deeper burps (so deep burps are deffo manly) and I think guys are more likely to burp in public or do gross things & not care?- that ties in with the ā€œladdishnessā€ or ā€œmachonessā€- those who are also british should know what I mean by ā€œladdishā€.) (I like a man to be a bit ā€œladdishā€- does sexy burps lol, is funny & likes sex jokes & is a good laugh lol and fun to joke around with (Iā€™m also someone who likes to be funny & has a dirty sense of humour) and itā€™s masculine to be ā€œladdishā€). Like I said earlier in the post, I guess burping is the right amount of manly grossness and manly piggishness, but not too much as Iā€™m not in to farting (too close to shit for me lol) and wouldnā€™t be in to nose picking or something lol.
Thatā€™s why Iā€™m surprised there are so many men talking about women on here- are all fetish forums normally full of straight men? Because men tend to have higher sex drives & most porn or sexual content is viewed by men and most fetish or sexual content (I donā€™t mean any videos with burps in it because burping is not sexual, I mean ACTUAL fetish content) is of women? (Come to think of it, I also donā€™t understand the many burping videos of women (yes itā€™s men too and not just women)- do they KNOW itā€™s a fetish and are trying to turn men on- do they have the fetish too? Are they just doing it for attention and want to show off their skills (ā€œhaha look what I can doā€) or are they doing it because they think itā€™s funny or what? Also makes no sense to me when someone who wants to be seen as attractive does something gross like burp aswell)


I feel pretty similarly to you! Itā€™s just sexy when a guy burps since itā€™s manly (kinda like a deep voice can be for other people), and personally I think I subconsciously like it since it shows closeness/intimacy/trust; burping to me kind of shows vulnerability in a way. Recently, I also find girls burping attractive, still only if they are deep/kinda airy burps. Also, maybe there arenā€™t a ton of girls on here since they donā€™t want to admit their fetish, or it could be that itā€™s a male/non-female dominated fetish?


I find it quite sad that girls canā€™t admit to having it. From what Iā€™ve seen, it could be for a number of reasons. I might make a post about it. :thinking:


I have no idea why it would be a male dominated fetish, as like I said itā€™s kinda a masculine or ā€œmachoā€ thing to do- acting like one of the guys or one of the lads and doing gross stuff & not caring, and if you like a guy who is ā€œone of the guysā€ as a woman (also deep burps deffo being manly) and I have met other girls outside the forum who like it when guys burp (though there was another girl who when i was talking to her about guys being guys she was like ā€œif itā€™s burps and farts then no lol i find it gross when they do thatā€). I just assumed that all fetish forums or sex related sites are full of mostly men wanting to look at women- itā€™s mostly men who look at porn etc- I have no idea if itā€™s the same for BDSM, foot fetish, farting, etc? :thinking:

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To begin with; I have always believed that I was just born this way, I have liked burps ever since I can remember, even back to the age of 5 and my earliest memories as a child. Burping has just always been a thing which stood out to me above anything else and even before I hit puberty I would feel happy and excited whenever I heard someone burp. Everytime I see a burp, I canā€™t help but analyse every part of it, nothing has ever intrigued me so intensely. It is a major part of my sexuality, and I believe our sexuality is not something that develops but which is hard wired into our brains before birth, but why burping? That is a question that seems almost impossible to answer, it has no evolutionary purpose and no close relationship to normal sexuality, in fact to a normal person itā€™s probably more likely to be a turn off than a turn on. The human brain is an extremely complex thing and maybe when the part of the brain that is responsible for sexuality simply developed differently by chance or due to a biological factor I could never hope to understand. I mean, why are some people gay or trans etc? To me it feels the same, burping is the only thing that can bring me to climax, normal sex without burping is meaningless and unenjoyable to me, just as sex with a woman is meaningless and unenjoyable to a gay man. I didnā€™t choose this, I have always felt this way. The first time I masterbated was to burping, every orgasm Iā€™ve ever had has been to burping. And yes Iā€™ve tried ā€˜normal stuffā€™ Iā€™ve had ā€˜normalā€™ sex; it just doesnā€™t do anything for me, at all. I canā€™t even comprehend or understand what it is about sex and genitalia that is remotely sexually attractive to everyone else, and I never will. Just as a normal person canā€™t understand or comprehend what is remotely sexual about burping. We are slaves to our instinct, and our instinct isnā€™t meant to be questioned, itā€™s meant to be followed.

But there is a way to probe that instinct if you are willing to look deep enough within yourself, peel back the upper layers of understanding and reveal what lies at your core. Just donā€™t expect what lies beneath the surface to make much sense, the deeper you go, the further from logic and reality you find yourself.

Over many years and after a lot of deep deep thinking and analysis I have been able to find what truly drives my sexual instinct and see the inner workings of my subconscious mind that nature intended to remain hidden.

I know I like burping and I know what about burping I like, i easily discovered this simply by seeing so many burps and getting to know what particular things about them my body reacted to and to what degree. So by analysing that I have been able to draw certain conclusions as to the deeper reasons WHY I like it.

For a start the way it sounds is very important, the sound has to be a certain way, I like burps that have depth and which have texture an layers to them, I like it when they sound natural and not forced and countless other more subtle factors that are too numerous to list. The burp also has to come from a female, male burps absolutely disgust me, even if they sound exactly the same. So I know that itā€™s more than just the burp that is a factor in why I like them. The girl also has to be physically attractive to me, this is also a very complex list of factors ranging from facial features to body shape and everything inbetween. I also need to be able to focus on her facial expression, the way her body moves and every subtlety about her before, during and after the burp including any comment she might make at any stage.

After analysing all of that I came to somewhat of a conclusion that what Iā€™m really trying to do when I watch a girl burp has more to do with her mind and my mind than anything physical that I listed in the above paragraph. As I see her burp my mind is actually attempting to make an analysis based on all of the subtleties and nuances I seem to like about burping. Attempting just for a moment to make a connection to her mind and to understand her experience of the situation, how she felt as she did it, what she was thinking, how she did it and why she did it in that particular way and absolutely every aspect of the entire experience, in essence itā€™s like for those few seconds I can leave my own mind and my own experience, and experience it through her mind instead. Albeit just a model of her mind I was able to peice together and create based on my analysis of every aspect of her burp, but a complex model which only exists in the deepest parts of what I can only assume is my imagination, yet one which is somehow completely walled off, existing in a place which is strictly mutually exclusive from my own mind, a fake reality that seems as real as any other at the moment of itā€™s existence. And for some reason itā€™s that moment, that feeling of deep insight, a feeling of connection between my mind and hers, a perception of a shared experience as if I could somehow just completely be with her, inside her mind and body as she experiences doing that burp. This is the ultimate reason why burping turns me on sexually, for my mind it opens a doorway to her soul. And all of this happens instinctively without me having to actually think about it or put in much effort beyond watching her as she burps. For some reason my mind can analyse a burp better than anything else in the universe, having seemingly endless factors about it to pour over and collect information then organise to build that model of her mind, subjective point of view and experience. And itā€™s so powerful it emerges as a sexual instinct as strong as any other persons, eventhough itā€™s completely unrelated to a normal personā€™s sexual instinct.

I have no idea if anyone else with the fetish is at all similar as everyone is different and has their own reasons for why they are sexually turned on by things. And I know it seems somewhat cold and lacking of any actual human connection, even devoid of any basis in reality, and something completely fabricated by my mind alone requiring no outside input other than seeing a burp, which itself only exists in nature for the purpose of expelling gas from the stomach, having little or no basis in how a person thinks and revealing basically nothing about their individual experience, their mind or who they are as a person. I know that, and I know itā€™s absolutely absurd. But itā€™s completely beyond my control and understanding, I just know my own mind and what it wants, it doesnā€™t care if the reasons arenā€™t based in reality or logic. When it comes to instinct, a reason based in reality or logic is not required. All that is required is a process within oneā€™s own subconscious, which draws upon some kind of queue in nature (in this case seeing a girl burp) that when activated is able to illicit a powerful reaction in the body and concious mind (in this case sexual arousal), without the need for any understanding. Knowing the why and how is never required, simply seeing the burp is always enough to complete the process, consciously being aware of why you even like it or how it had such a powerful sexual effect on the body is buried deep within the subconscious, what we know as instinct.

I still find it very difficult to comprehend it all but Iā€™m almost certain that for me this is the deepest level of understanding of my fetish and sexuality that I will ever get, deeper than nature even intended me to know. But I canā€™t deny it because Iā€™ve followed the trail deeper and deeper into my mind until it inevitably led me to those conclusions. And as strange as the answers are, the peices certainly fit together for me.


My dad totally loses it when watching people fart or burp, I mean, loses it in the way that he canā€™t stop himself from laughing uncontrollably. It is obvious and well known in the field of sexology, of course backed up by scientific research, that genetics play a huge role in determination of fetishes.


Interesting. My dad is a total prude when it comes to bodily functions, so I wonder if the thrill Iā€™d feel around burps was exacerbated by how violently my dad would react to them lol. Gotta kill the father, Freud would sayā€¦ my old man is a little anal retentive, which opens up a whole 'nother bag of worms lol. The whole repression/fixation dichotomy. My mom, funny enough, burps freely and is more into toilet humor than my dad. I am a man, btw


Do I sense Dabi?


Lol I am the opposite, my dad is gross, my mom is neutral. And I hate/love burps.


For me at least, I have a very large stomach/stuffing kink that goes hand in hand with burping. I think me liking burping must have come first, and the rest of my fascination and attraction towards stomachs and eating came after.
As many people have said before, Iā€™ve had this fetish for as long as I can remember, and it was definitely spurred on by experiences as a child. The boys in elementary school that would tease me by burping at me, Disney male actors with a burping line, I even remember around age 6 liking a radio show host because his voice was so deep and edited it sounded like he was constantly burping. Anyways, just wanted to know if anyone else had previous kinks/interests burping could have stemmed from?


I really like the idea behind this thread because I think itā€™s a very important discussion to have.

The only thing I can offer that might mean something is that I grew up around girls that burped quite regularly, and they were fairly decent at it as well. Iā€™m guessing it eventually subconsciously turned me on for whatever reason.

I like the taboo shout. I think thereā€™s definitely an aspect to it that shows that sheā€™s her own person and doesnā€™t conform to the norm of ā€œwomen shouldnā€™t burpā€. Sort of a rebel type that can be a turn on.

But thereā€™s got to be something about the sound as well. Even if weā€™re turned on by a ā€œbad girlā€ thereā€™s plenty other ways she can display that besides burpingā€¦ Like a tattoo for instance. Burping is an extremely weird noise if you think about it, so itā€™s so odd that weā€™re infatuated with it.


I would definitely agree with you that it starts at a very young age but I often wonder how could something like this be already wired in our brain as far back as birth? Not agreeing or disagreeing with the premise at all - I just wonder is it something later on in our very primitive years that sparks It - a common thread belonging to us all that we simply are not aware of because it happened so early in our life.

My first memory of being turned on by a burp was that scene with Princess Fiona in Shrek. I can remember so specifically having a conversion with my mum when I was about 5/6- it was one of guilt I think at the time because I didnā€™t understand the feeling. I remember saying to her something along the lines that - I really like girls and her kind of smiling and confirming this was normal. I then added something like especially when they burp - and I think she just presumed this was an extension of me basically confirming I was straight for the first time - not necessarily seeing this as weird so she also confirmed this was normal.

I donā€™t entirely hate the fetish - however I do find it a bit of a hindrance sometimes. I think it has had an affect on my sex life a bit. I have the same attraction to girls as many other guys - the same physical turn ons. But sometimes thereā€™s an overbearing sense of ā€œyeah a really attractive girl is nice - but nothing will turn me on to the full extend that a girl burping wouldā€. Having to think of a burp video during sex to get through it all the way can be a frustrating feeling.

I often wonder would it be better to leave it for good but Iā€™ve been putting that off now for about 10 years lol.


Iā€™m in school for my masterā€™s in psychology right now and it can be sooo many different things, many of which have already been mentioned in this thread. Itā€™s super interesting. For guys that find girls burping attractive, I do think the fact that girls are taught not to plays a role in it. So when you find that one girl thatā€™s like ā€œfuck the rules. I can and will burp as loud and as much as I want toā€, it becomes part burp fetish, part ā€œfight the powerā€ type of deal lol. And then for some, your first experience with sexual arousal could have been inadvertently paired with burping. Maybe the first time you orgasmed, you happened to hear burping right around the same time. If this happens during a time of sexual development, it can definitely lead to some ā€œcrossed wiresā€ and basically your mind creates a relationship with arousal and burping. Iā€™ve not heard of anybody saying they just ā€œknewā€ one day, so I think usually it has more to do with some sort of early childhood experience as opposed to being born with it.