I was studying for helping on school with a private teacher in her apartment by my 6-7 years old, and one day i was on the table studying and the teacher’s daughter it was on my side luching. Shes was a very beauty blond girl. So she burped ans since i hearded that I use to look burp fetish stuff on internet. Im 20 now. Where i live its dificult to woman and girls burp freely so its hard to see it on live, i already payed some streamers to burp on lives. I love beauty and skinny womans burping, but i hate ugly ones, man and family burping.
I have always been attracted to guys who burp. I think it started in elementary school around 6th grade. My neighbor who was my friend knew I didn’t like burping (of course secretly I did). One day in class he said “ I’ve gotta tell you something private” He then pretended like he was going to whisper in my ear, but let out a monstrous burp instead. I was shocked and pretended to be disgusted (which he enjoyed of course). I was actually very turned on. He started burping around me a lot after that. I always told him he was gross, but definitely liked it. I know guys tend to do it, but I’ve never been someone who could just brashly burp, so I find this quality attractive in other guys.
I have the same issue (for want of a better word) when it comes to sex. More attracted to burping than the sex itself and the girl. I too am attracted and turned on by all the physical aspects of a girl and love it for sure but I have never been able to have sex and not think of burping and therefore find burping more arousing. It defiantly leads to being less engaged with sex when your mind is on it or you’re having to recall a video from memory, but I can’t get fully turned on without thinking about burping. I wouldn’t want to lose the fetish but it would be nice to switch it off sometimes so that, whenerver it is I have sex again, I can be fully engaged.with the act.
I remember as a kid, around 5 or 6, maybe a little older, being made very uncomfortable by a burp I heard on a cartoon and having a very uncomfortable tingling feeling. I couldn’t get the burp out of my mind and was shocked and “haunted” by it. I remember thinking something like I had never heard a burp like it. Of course there were many incidents prior to that and many to come and with far better burps. I remember thinking I was the only one in the world who had this at the time and wanted to ask my best friend who was girl if she got strange feelings when she heard burps but I decided to just keep it to myself. Her mother was a fantastic burper and to this day I still recall her burps when I’m getting off to it without videos. I remember I was staying the night at her house once and I was watching a plane flyover from the sliding doors in the living room when a incredible belch ripped through the silence. It was long, really long, loud and brassy! I remember whirling around and staring at her mum while her dad said “Jesus Jennifer, you even made him turn around!!!” I think she said “pardy”. She often said pardy after burping and she burped a lot. She used to pretend she was playing a trombone when she burped sometimes by curling a fist around her lips and thrusting her other hand away from her mouth as if blowing a note. Very sexy. Its possible that she and her daughters, my friends, had something to do with the fetish rather than a specific event. My friends used to say "can I tell you a secret?’ and then gulp air and burp into my ears. I remember being jealous of them. My dad used to do it openly too and I hated it when he did!! Still do.
I’ve told these stories a lot on the old forum.
I loathed the sound as a child and would plug my ears whenever I heard a burp in cartoons or movies. I was this way until I was eleven and had an erotic dream about my crush burping. I stared at him and felt so confused the next day. My heart was pounding and all I could think about was that dream. I discovered masturbation that night.
Lo the thing about ur dick being a burp detector reminds me of my naivete when I was little. I thought a similar thing. I didn’t understand the correlation. I remember asking my dad “why does my penis grow whenever someone burps?” He didn’t answer. Now that memory embarrasses me
I used to plug my ears when it came on in cartoons sometimes.too. Especially if I could sense the burp coming. There was a Timon and Pumbaa episode where pumbaa kept burping and burping and burping and I just sat there with my hands over my ears the whole time.
Oh man that reminds me of the episode of Spongebob where Squidward belches after being force-fed a bunch of cheeseburgers. That shit fucking nauseates me for hours to this day and I have no idea why!
I think my attraction to burps comes from the breaking of traditional gender roles.
The women I find most attractive are those who present themselves as feminine but have traditionally masculine mannerisms. For example, a woman who wears makeup and looks pretty, but also talks loudly, swears, and burps.
I’m not sure why. Maybe it’s a deviation from societal gender codes. I’m a mostly straight guy with a lot of traditionally feminine mannerisms. I don’t know exactly. I do think that gender, sexuality and societal roles do play a major part though.
Same, Smeagol had a dream about a hot woman burping and it seemed to imprint itself into a fetish.
It’s a strange phenomenon. Let me be clear in saying I have never masturbated to my family burping. But I have an older brother that is extremely good at burping on command. And he’s been doing it since I can remember. I remember thinking that burping was interesting back at the age of 4 or 5. I would masturbate to cartoon characters doing it.
I do see the connection though (out of all the fetishes out there I’m attracted to the one that my brother does). I wonder if anyone else has relatives that are good at burping too. Maybe a sexual desire could be imprinted by older siblings or parents like Freud said. Not that you are directly attracted to your relatives burping, but they can form some sort of subconscious drive in you to seek out their traits in other people.
Maybe it manifested off of something else. For instance, when the fetish first started I remember getting aroused by being annoyed by the burping. I would get so mad because he would do this barrage of burping really loud for a while. And he would not shut up. It was so frustrating that it was a little arousing. Because you’d ask him to stop and that would just make him do it more. And you couldn’t just leave because you could hear it from any room in the house. And my mom wouldn’t stop him. Maybe it was kind of a helpless feeling of being unable to stop the annoying sound. It wasn’t an attraction to him but an attraction to the situation I guess. Being unable to stop something is kind of arousing, maybe the burping piggy backed off of that…
I always believe sexual attraction could be redefined as “gender attraction”, I love girls but I’m sexually into guys, however I’m only into what I consider “manly guys”, I, for reasons that should be obvious for everyone, strongly associate burping with “manliness”, so I guess that I’m actually more attracted to the concept or stereotype of a “man” when it comes to sexuality. However, when it comes to rational thinking, for example, when choosing a partner, I’m attracted either to girls (though as I wouldn’t be able to please a girl , due to me not being sexually attracted to them, I try not getting involved with women) or guys that don’t depict that toxic masculinity I’m so turned on by. My past relationships have been with sensitive (though manly enough), sweet men, that were, basically, the exact opposite of my sexual fantasies.
I relate so much about how you guys felt when watching cartoon shows with burping. I remember that if a certain character I liked a lot burped, then I automatically hated them, and I was always hoping for my favorite characters not to be gassholes or rude. I remember I used to love watching “The Fairly Odd Parents”, and every time one of the MC burped I felt so annoyed and disgusted, I would turn the volume down and hope my parents or grandma weren’t close.
I believe my fetish started when I was young 4 or younger but of course then it wasn’t sexual. I think my fascination with dinosaurs as a child it was caused it. The “roars” of a dinosaur resembled burps to me so from there as I began to have little crushes on girls their burps would make me like them more.
So had I not received dinosaur toys as a kid I don’t believe I’d have the fetish. Better than toy soldiers and having a fetish for killing people I suppose lol.
I’m curious to know what your reaction was like to Jade’s burps in Jackie Chan Adventures when you saw the episode as a kid. When I first saw this as a young adult, I remember thinking that if I had seen this as kid, dealing with the very uncomfortable feelings that come with hearing and seeing any burp at that age, I might of burst in into tears. I remember thinking that I would have been completely haunted by her burps and never being able to get them out of my mind because they are so long and loud and powerful. I wondered, how a kid developing the fetish and having seen this, would’ve dealt with it. How long did these stick in your mind as a kid? Do you remember what you felt when you heard them?
Mine is definitely an attraction to pretty people doing gross things. I’ve got a lot of similar fetishes, and it’s all attractive to me for that same reason. I think it’s just the subversion factor, cus some of my other interests can be summed up that way, though I’ve been attracted to burping for so long that I think it’s just hard wired into my brain at this point that burp=sexy.
This is probably one of the best descriptions I’ve read. I’m not sure if this applies to me, but I can guess that deep down there’s probably a connection to subversion and taboo-ness.
I don’t think you’re alone when describing your fantasies. I think it goes both ways too. I’m generalizing, but most girls’ fantasies are having sex with a manly/strong/douche type of guy, and guys’ fantasies are having sex with submissive/sexy/provocative girls. Though when it comes to choosing a partner, both would probably agree that living with that type of person for the rest of their life would not be ideal for them, because then there are other, more important qualities that come into play, especially regarding family raising.
So yeah…sorry for all us nice guys that are in college right now. We still got to wait a couple more years when the focus starts to shift
(Sorry for getting off-topic)
This!!! You’re definitely onto something here. It’s worth exploring further for sure. My attraction is to the same type of girl. But why? There’s no real reason that comes to my mind.
I relate to this so hard!!! I remember one time when I was in about 6th grade I was sitting on the living room floor trying to do homework while my older sister was watching TV (same room) and my dad was making dinner in the kitchen nearby. Suddenly, My sister and my dad both started burping (coincidence??) and it went on for a while. Pretty sure my dad was drinking a beer, but my sis was probs just having juice or a snack, I don’t recall exactly. But the point is that they kept going at it and it disturbed me so much that I left the room. I was super angry and upset since I didn’t understand what I was feeling and thought they were being so gross. A little while later my dad knocked on my door and asked why I went to my room. I remember distinctly saying: “It was too noisy” lol.
It is very simple… Experiences from young age tend to influence us till we grow up…
This is my story that I’m open to share, by TOG.
It all started when I was 3 or 4 years old… When I learned the word " BURP " but… it took some experiences until I fully understood what it is and connect it as a sound…
so few things might’ve happened around that age:
My mother used to buy some sprite and after she drank it, she’d let some burps.
Some were gurgle and some where kind of small.
Most times she said “excuse me” after burping but…
when she did on command, it didn’t make me laugh like it was supposed to,
instead it made me feel a weird/nice sensation and even slightly uncomfortable… That feeling would curry on to every female that burp next to me since…
Then once in a while, my mother’s cousin (a girl) when she was (14) she used to come visit my grandma’s. When I was there, me and the cousin would play an old flash games on PC, I sat in her lap and I remember when she burped really closed to my ears… It was so pleasuring.
Later from 1st grade till 4th, I had a really close friend who’s a girl.
She could burp on command.
In 1ts grade her burps wasn’t that loud and very short.
In lunch break we went outside, I told her random words, she burped them and we giggled.
till 4th grade we did some burp fun and she got better over the years but we parted because of school
Then in 2014 (6 grade) in summer, It turned sexual (Still regretting it till today and I ain’t very proud to say it) I started watching burping female on YouTube and Naturally like it was programed inside me. I thought my self to ejaculate, and my first orgasm was from “Shauna burp tutorial”
ever since. It’s only once in a while that I get to hear female burping in real-life
Now at age 18 I’m trying all the time “No fap” but I fail most often.
My record is two and a half months In March 2020 - LOCKDOWN (I felt AMAZING)
I learned to accept my fetish, I kind of love it. It’s hot. It’s another point of love and attraction. Though I’m not proud of or screaming it out loud to people) Hope I’d find a loving partner soon that will flow with me