Psychology behind the burp fetish

it didn’t make me laugh like it was supposed to,
instead it made me feel a weird/nice sensation and even slightly uncomfortable… That feeling would curry on to every female that burp next to me sinc

Omg yes, someone finally put it into words! Thats exactly how it felt.


For me I think it stems from when I was a kid in school. I was always the super quiet good kid who never did anything to get in trouble and would freak out if I saw anyone in my class or year do something bold.
And everytime the teacher left the room for a few minutes all the other boys would just have burping contests. Every single time.
I’d be horrified, in a way, as it was a “bold” thing to do and I’d be afraid I’d get in trouble even though I never took part.
But I was also so fascinated at the same time and found how sometimes I’d want the teacher to leave so I could watch them all do it. In that age it just seemed like the baddest thing someone could do.
Having grown up now I’m a very femme kind of a guy in general everyday life and repel any kind of manliness.
So I think hearing a man burp now is just a mix of those leftover childhood feelings of rebellion (how good of a kid was I to consider burping a sign of revolt lol) to just that release and excitement of rejecting all feminnity and letting it all hang out (be manly).


I really relate to your story. I had the same experience in junior high. It seemed that most of my male classmates would burp constantly. Except me. I always pretended they were gross but was secretly turned on. Being a guy I couldn’t bring myself to do it and thought it was extremely bold. So funny to read your story because it brought back memories.


everyone on this thread is seriously speaking facts. for me my kink is like hyper-focused on really attractive, calm, and put-together people burping. i also honestly tend to focus more on fictional characters burping rather than real people. so characters like kyoya ootori from Ouran High School Host Club or yuki sohma from fruits basket tend to be a massive hit for me.

as for where it started i’m honestly not sure it’s been around for as long as i can remember. i do remember, however, being around five years old and constantly wanting to watch shrek for princess fiona’s burp. i also used to have this gymnastics coach who was probably around 16/17 (i would’ve been about 7-9 at the time) and she’d sometimes burp while we were practicing and it used to make me freeze in my tracks every time.


I find burping to be a sign of intimacy. When somebody unashamedly burps in front of others, it’s an implied message of being comfortable with their body sounds that are reserved for those you want to be close to you. By releasing a belch it’s like they have removed all the formal attire of their daily scholastic and professional lives and want you to be casual and know them better.

It’s also a test. When a person by command or accident allows a belch to fly as long as loud as they please, they await a reaction. A proud belch could cause disdain, disgust, laughter, or just make people uncomfortably surprised at the suddenly show of casual mischievousness. Most burps occur without audience reaction.

For me, the uncontrollable reaction is sexual arousal. I know that almost 100% it’s an unwelcome reaction and unanticipated by the person burping.

My greatest weakness is on command burping. When it’s on purpose and the burper proves they can do it any time they want as many times as they want, I’m helplessly hooked.

The only analogy that fits is bodybuilding and people into muscle flexing. Like burping it involves shedding layers of clothes most people wear in a sense and showing off one’s ability to show what their bodies can do. Bodybuilders are not training to arouse people, but to excel in a sport just like a football or baseball player would.

What are people with the fetish to do with this useless kink? There are so few burpers out there. Most people stop showing off their gulping and inhales air belch technique in high school or college. But, you cannot pray it away. I suppose for most of us the fetish is like addiction to pornography. What you cannot experience in real life interactions with people, you get from a Chaturbate model that can burp or those hundreds of archived videos of guys swallowing air and blasting burps like Stef, Yanagi, Bigwoode, Powerblue, etc.

What started for most of us as a unwelcome reaction to the belching talents of students in school turned into a much greater source of obsession, searching for new burpers, and getting what little can out of this uncontrollable kink.

It would be amazing to wake up one day, look at a stranger on the street and NOT say to myself, “I wonder if they can gulp or inhale air to burp at will?”


For me it’s partly the shock of seeing a beautiful woman do something so socially unacceptable to an extreme degree. That’s why one of my favorite fantasies is to present when a very put-together, elegant woman from like the 1920s-1950s belches like Juliana. I feel like it’s the shock of social expectations being stripped away that thrills me. Or being privy to something hidden and forbidden. I love the juxtaposition of a ladylike person who belches like a trucker behind closed doors.

On the other side, I like showing off my burps for others. It makes me feel competent as a male or something


Mine started similarly

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I know this is an old thread, but I found this all fascinating to read and would like to share my experience. When I was a kid, I used to have mostly female friends, since no boys of my age lived in my neighborhood. They would often burp or fart in my presence or even burp in my face and for some reason it really frustated/triggered me if a girl did something like that. I wouldn’t get mad or show this, but I would think about it all day. I also accidentally came across some Mario vore videos as a kid when looking for Mario videos on YouTube that included burps and they sort of scared/haunted me, but not sure if that influenced me as much. When I started getting sexually active at around 13, I came across some farting videos and later some burping videos. When school would be over, I would rush home to watch my favorite burping vids that I had been thinking about all day. I never watched regular porn and to be honest I had no desires for sexual intercourse until I met my girlfriend at 17. I only recently joined this forum and the Telegram group, as before I would just search for content by myself. Although it is great to have access to so much content now, I think the hunt for a good burping video is also sometimes a part of the appeal for me.


I’ll add that for me, a desire for intimacy is a major engine that makes this fetish run for me. So many of my fantasies revolve around doing something socially taboo and physically visceral, burping, in the presence of a partner. I have been with a partner who is a very good and frequent burper for a year now and my motivation to self-pleasure to this fetish is at an all time low. Not because my partner burps for me in the bedroom- simply having the intimacy with someone who burps and who accepts my burps has been enough and extremely satisfying


For me the fetish is a cheat. It’s a form of false intimacy that takes the place of traditional sexual contact, dating, commitments, rejection, divorce, etc. When attraction to burps suppresses the attraction to traditional sexual interaction and physical contact, that’s as far as the Rabbit Hole goes for me. There’s even no need for pornography when the burping fetish arouses me and offers so much pleasure at zero risk. I have learned to embrace it and confine my human interaction is platonic friendships. It’s like a drug that works every time with no side effects.


Yes, I understand what you mean. It can definitely feel like a substitute or symbol for intimacy including sex rather than the real thing. I sometimes wonder if my prepubescent self found sex too traumatic (was accidentally exposed to porn at a very young age) and it replaced sexual fantasy with belching. Or perhaps it’s more a fear (or extreme desire) for emotional intimacy, as my family broke apart when i was very young. Either way I find this fetish to be in some way related to my pathologies around intimacy.


I’ve been having similar feelings/thoughts with very different conclusions. The fetish feels like a cheatcode for my sexuality that allows me to get off relatively easily but my experiences with it just aren’t very satisfying. My sexuality has often been so divorced from any fantasies of actually engaging with someone else on a phsycial level in a way that I credit to/blame on the fetish which has always existed as a very abstract experience for me. I’ve only recently realized that I have to push myself a little further to enjoy other fantasies but that I ultimately find those more satisfying. Not sure how much of that is just because I can bypass the shame response that comes with the fetish, but I’ve been craving an intimacy recently that I’ve never really wanted before, and maybe that intimacy could include fetish play but it has to be something beyond the pure simulacra of what we often get here.


What dont you like about the IRL experiences? For me at least thats a 1000 times better than anything im going to watch on a screen. The physical intimacy of it only adds to the fetish to me.


Forgive me if I wasn’t clear, but it’s not that I don’t like IRL experiences, but that they haven’t been part of my fetish expereince so far. I’m attracted to the fetish online and, for various reasons, it’s never had the opportunity to come offline for me, and I think that’s made it feel more like something that exists kind of separate from physical experience. Like, I said, I think it could be fun to explore my fetish in an intimate scenario with someone but haven’t done that yet and I wonder how different it might feel, since most of my fetish activity online is more observational (bordering on the voyeristic) rather than some fantasy of participation or embodiment.


Putting it as a separate comment, since it’s only tangentially related, but I think where I’m at now definetly interacts with being a trans woman and how the fetish in some ways feels like a way that I was able to explore my sexuality kind of outside of having to imagine my own body as a physical element. It’s like the Emersonian idea of the Transparent Eyeball in nature that exists purely to observe rather than to embody. And maybe as I’ve been transitioning, it’s not that my fetish has gone away, but maybe other paths of sexuality and fantasy have opened up and I’m maybe given the choice to actively pursue those instead if I want to. There’s a part of me where I think the shame of the fetish is not just the normal sense of self disgust at being deviant from the norm, but rather that eructophilia reminds me of my sexuality when I was going through my first puberty, and as the ways my sexuality shifts alongisde hormonal changes, there are maybe ways to be a sexual being that feel more sapphic in a way my burp fetish doesn’t, at least yet.


I love the idea of the fetish as a Transparent Eyeball. And i totally hear you about the abstract and disembodied experience of online sexuality. My own experience has also been pretty bifurcated between non-fetish intercourse and fetish online self-stimulation. It’s a strange and historically specific experience that we’re going through.


I did therapy for years but was too embarrasment/ashamed to tell my therapist about this fetish but I got deep into how the mind works to think mine is a response to childhood trauma. I won’t go into it as I don’t want to trigger anyone and I am definitely not qualified to diagnose anyone else, but in my case I am sure it is trauma related.

Interestlngly I learnt generally fetishes, especially ones taboo can be a way of your mind coping with pain or bad experiences. As in, it makes the bad feel good (an example might be if you felt humilated a lot as a child and it hurt you, when you hit puberty your brain might give you sexual release from being humiliated as a coping mechanism). Again, I am talking generally and certainly not saying that is always the case, just I learnt it can be


I wouldn’t say it’s solely trauma. I think trauma can influence sexuality, but it seems more variable than that, that any kind of somehow shocking or emotional experience with something can trigger a change.

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I can’t speak for anyone else but I know exactly why I like burps: I enjoy and get turned on by women doing things that are considered audacious and even gross for their gender. Obviously this only applies to burping and farting in my case but I think you get the idea.


That’s the same with me.