I’ve always been pretty sensitive to smells and it’s easy for me to get uncomfortable if I keep smelling something I don’t like. I only ever experienced my fetish over the internet since I never did much with it around my peers. My girlfriend has been eating different and she’s been burping a lot which is great. But we were making out and she burped near my face and the smell totally took me out of it. Anybody else experienced something like this? I figure it’s attractive to some people I just can’t do it lol.
I’m not into the smell of burps either. I understand that it comes with the territory but when it’s highlighted in a video for example (like “smell my stinky burps” or “let me blow this into your face”), instant turn off.
That’s true too lol I hate when they blow into the camera
i dont like the smell either. the only exception is when they’ve had coffee, or they’re chewing bubblegum, the burps smell so fucking good
I actually like the smell of burps, that’s my favorite part lol
That super interesting I thought I was the only one who didn’t care for the smells im wife burps every chance she can and they come of strong in which i love but sometimes i can smell it i dont like it very much. Even if she burps in my mouth i try to block out certain food smells
I like it but there are certain things which are not nice to smell on someone’s breath, most foods or drink I like though.
I’m very smell sensitive too, and I learned over time that burps (and farts for me) are apparently much more pleasing when consumed through a screen, cuz the knowledge that the burp/fart will 95% of the time be accompanied by smell can be a cause for anxiety sometimes lol
would be nice if i could condition myself to like them, it’s not something you ever get used to
The smell of somebody’s burp totally depends on what is in there stomach at the time that the air is in there as well. If the smell is something that you don’t normally like, and for me as someone that burps it’s the taste I get with my burps, then change what is in the gut to flavor/order up the air fo the burps.
Jolly ranchers make my burps taste and smell great! I love cheesey chili flavored burps. Hotdog burps are nice. Dr Pepper burps are yummy. The longer that the air sits inside the belly before it come back up, the stronger the taste/smell will be of whatever is in there giving off fumes.
What is in the belly will be what the burp aroma ends up as.
this was nearly the hottest thing i’d read on this site until that second half
Good point @quick-black. I edited that part out.
It’s unfortunate to be super turned on by something you don’t want to get to close to, because it can smell really bad.
For me regardless of the smell as long as im attracted, i’l get a boner.
as a matter of fact i would love to take it a step further, and want to taste them. have before 1 time, but it was more a closed mouth blow burp in my direction, and my mouth was open. was. a strange combination of taste but, I was rock hard. I always imagine if it was audible and really loud, would I have pre ejaculated and embarrass myself on the spot there or not lol
I’ve never liked the smell of burps either. In my experience burps usually don’t smell but when they do they tend to smell horrible(like a mixture of whatever someone ate plus stomach acid). And don’t let it be sulfur burps cause the smell is unbearable🤢. I’ve always been about the audio and the visuals. On the otherhand this only applies to when I smell the burps myself. When it comes to hearing or reading other people describing the smell of a burp I tend to find that hot asf. So yeah it’s hot to hear, read, or watch someone react to the smell of a burp but when it comes to actually smelling them myself I would much rather not lol.
I don’t even watch videos where the food being consumed is named because the thought of the burped taste and smell is so revolting to me
Well well, I know if you’re on this site, most likely burps turn you on. However I’ve heard from numerous people that smelling them is a turn off. But let me tell you this about me… I am a total freak when it comes to female belching. I am into the fetihh so much that I enjoy the smell and even the taste of them lol. I only taste it a female’s burp once and that was what we were making out and she accidentally released one in my mouth. Kind of gross to normal people but to a freak like me that’s really into it… I want to go back in time LOL
I don’t think I’ve ever smelled a girl’s burp in person, but the videos where they describe the smell are really hot.
For example:
I’ve never experienced the smell of a burp but its always been something I was curious and fearful about. I’m mostly just worried if learning the smell of burps would actually ruin the whole thing for me.
I’ve smelled them on two occasions and tasted one on one occasion