while I’m not sure how much I’d like experiencing it first hand(ok lets not kids ourselves I wouldn’t be complaining if it was from a cute girl) it’s kind of important conceptually, the smelly stomach gas component is part of what separates a burp from a completely innocuous function like sneezing, coughing, yawning that doesn’t really do anything for me, it’s part of the mild gross element of the stomach and digestion. also very TMI but the thought of every burp I’ve seen over the years having its own unique smell/taste or lack there of is intriguing, maybe she had a completely empty stomach and it was nothing or maybe she just ate pizza and it was overpowering.
I’d like to think the smell is part of the reason that makes it interesting, partially the gamble of it being a good or bad smell and the other part being the trigger of one of the main 5 senses. The only burp I recall smelling was when a girl right next to me let out a beer burp from a truly she was drinking. I wouldn’t say it was unpleasant but definitely had that alcohol taste to it. We were also in the backseat of a car so it was def more pronounced. I’d say overall I don’t like bad smells, specifically garbage cans and fishy stuff but luckily those aren’t too common from burping women. But I would say I’m always curious to smell something if someone is like, “Dude this fruit smells weird!” So in that sense always down to take the gamble.
This kinda ties into my philosophy of the burp fetish being something that really engages all our primary senses of sight (facial expression), hearing (sound signature), smell (based on food or stomach acid), taste (your own or from someone else), and feeling (relief after letting out a good one). Honestly pretty cool when you think about it.
If your breathe stank or you ate something that smells really weird or bad, it’s a no. Otherwise, I couldn’t care less. Like obviously dont eat tuna after not brushing for a day and blow that in my face, ew. But otherwise not really a problem for me.
I’ve still never experienced this and I’m kinda willing to open pandora’s box now someway somehow haha. But for now its something Im not sure if I’m into because I dont put much thought to it. The only straight up no is if its a coffee burp because I’ve had the scent of a coffee burp wafted to me once and I hated it haha.
The smells don’t bother me much unless it’s something pungent like onions or garlic. It usually just smells like the food they ate. Once a chick accidentally burped in my mouth while making out after eating Taco Bell. It wasn’t pleasant but was still oddly intriguing. I would have found her burping while kissing me hot if I couldn’t taste it, or maybe if it had tasted like something sweet.
I love the smell, it turns me on like crazy… if anyone wants to smell mine or let me smell theirs lmk
The main thing that turns me on is the smell of a girl’s burp. Whenever I sit next to a pretty or even average girl, for example at school, I keep thinking about whether it’s possible that she’ll burp. I’ve managed to smell the burps of over 12 girls, some of them multiple times. I’ve had this urge for over 15 years, actually since the beginning of primary school, I liked to smell it back then, but of course, without sexuality, because I was a little kid. Over the years I can’t count how many girls’ burps I’ve smelled, probably a few hundred and most of them belonged to my younger sister, although she became more shy about it after her 14th birthday. I know she’s my sister, but it’s very difficult otherwise and fantasies never concern her physicality. Maybe for some it’s sick, because she’s my sister, but I’m addicted to it and it satisfies me to some extent. The smell of girl burps turns me on even more than girl farts, but that’s another story. Instead of traditional porn, I watch gassy girls.
This has been an interesting read, and it seems like the like to dislike ratio is just about 50/50. As for myself, i love the smell of a woman’s burp. It’s always been an instant turn on for me, since i was a kid. Sure there are some really bad smelling burps, and im not fond of foul smelling odors or farts, but for some reasons i just love when a girl’s burp stinks. I especially love when the girl (or someone near them) comments on the smell or if she fans her hand in front of her mouth afterwards.
It’s so fascinating to discuss the different aspects of this fetish.
I hate videos with food, period.
I’m probably the most unusual one since I hate the smell part too, yet I like it when a girl burps on command and blows it in a another person’s face, just because she likes to annoy the other person and uses her abilities in a mean way (in a fun, teasing sense, not actually mean).
So I just choose to assume they never really smell based on the fact that on command ones are usually ok in that aspect and watch them just for the teasing/dominance part.
100% agree. If there’s food, I skip it immediately.
I remember a neighbor kid would burp in my face a lot, he would chug Mountain Dew and burp right into my nose, it was a fun game
Ive smelt girls burps since i was young. I think thats why i like it so much now lol. They have always had a really strong smell which to normal people it would smell very bad, and it did, but thats what i liked about it. But also alot of where this took place back in the day would be at school, but mostly bbqs or dinner parties with my parents friends and all the kids would hang out. This one girl ive known forever would always burp and blow it in my face, she could burp very loud too, always seemed to do it after dinner or everybody ate too, so the food had some time to ferment in her stomach. there wasent 1 time where it didnt smell. Her stomach was awesome. Theres also other times with different girls aswell.
Yeah, few times but years ago. Sadly now it’s rather impossible. Now I’m 20 and she is 16. I often poured her fizzy drinks after dinner and she would burp aromatically several times in a row. When she turned 12, it started to embarrass her a bit, but she did it in front of me anyway. A year ago, she didn’t want to eat meat at all because of the trends and I was pissed off because it was much harder, because I liked smelling her meaty ones the most. Luckily, she stopped doing that and I sometimes smell something strong again. It just really annoys me that she hardly burps in front of me anymore and the worst thing is that even when she does, she pushes me away with all her strength with her hand. It frustrates me as hell. There was once a topic about burp smells and I think that’s where I’ll describe individual memories of her burps and the burps of girls from my school.
All right, it’s time I muted this thread.
Everyone’s got their own thing. I never vibed with the whole stuffing mukbang aspect and too don’t really care for people eating. It’s not an absolute turn off but I’d never bother going through a video with food unless it was already comped
My entire stance has always been I hate the smell but this sounds like the hottest thing ever and I think you’re a lucky bastard (lovingly)
As I wrote above. She has been ashamed for a long time, somehow unnaturally very much. If I asked her to do it, she would probably slap me in the face. We have a problem with her. I don’t know if this is influenced by social trends, which she doesn’t fully understand (we both have autism spectrum), she consider herself a non-binary person and she even nearly stopped hugging us, even mom, because she thinks it’s too much girly. As for the burping, I prefer not to mention it to her because she acts weird. She used to even fart in front of me and ask if I could smell it. I used to be able to smell 3 or 5 of her burps a week. Now it’s once a month or less and I have to try really hard to smell anything.
My Take, is that the smells are what really fascinate me and brought me to this fetish. This is why face burping vids are my favorite… i don´t really know why, it is just the fact that femals can be capable to have a smelly scent always intrigues me and is a huge turn off tbh…
Ok… this topic has taken a twisted turn. To each his own I guess. Welcome to… The DarkSide of bff
I read every part you said on this thread including that one person who asked if your sister burped, and BRO???!!?? THE F??