Smell of burping irl puts me off

I read every part you said on this thread including that one person who asked if your sister burped, and BRO???!!?? THE F??


Damn, all of these topics are so heteronormative these days lol.

Anyway, in contrary to most of these posts, I tend to only like natural/food-sourced burps. And those will always tend to be on the smellier side. I’m not attracted to the smell, per se, but if it’s not reeking of what is clearly bad breath I probably would not be turned off and if it just smells like plain food or beer or what have you, I might be turned on lmfao. I guess the smelly part doesn’t bother me either as I do see burps as fairly masculine and obviously love it when males do it, which ties into other not so fresh scents I love about males. And also the fact that, the more attractive the guy is, the harder it is to give me the ick.


I also prefer natural burps. The forum seems to be pretty heteronormative in general, tbh. And also very binary. But I suppose that is how life is outside of the internet…

Once you find your crowd it changes. Maybe it’s bc I’m young, but almost all of my peers are queer in one way or another

Funny, I love the smell of a burp but hate the smell of a fart. I can’t vibe with a lot of eproctophiles who love the smell of farts. But I love the stench of a burp because that feels like a cherry on top to show how much they ate. I ESPECIALLY love beer/alcohol burps, when a gal belches and you can just feel how boozy she is since the burp reeks of alcohol.


Which boozes have the best smell?