Who taught you to burp on command?

Who taught you to burp on command? How’d you figure it out?

I remember my cousins being absolute beasts at swallowing air and belching. I wanted so badly to do it and they tried to teach me but I was never able to pick it up…until trying to learn again in my 30’s heavily motivated by the fetish lol.

(Now I can swallow air but have to wait around for the sweet belchy release, so I’m getting there!)


Yes, I had the same experience with my cousins! To this day, my three older cousins are some of the best on-command belchers I have ever heard. Two guys and one girl, my earliest memories are watching them swallow air and unleash these monstrous guttural sounds. And they didn’t just sound big to me because I was young—one of my cousins still regularly burps and they are objectively gigantic, so as a kid they were just earth shattering. The girl cousin was the oldest and the best, my two other cousins absolutely looked to her as the belching queen. I wanted so badly to burp like them and would beg them to teach me, but like OP it didn’t stick. I eventually taught myself at age 15 after 10+ years of trying—I’m sure some YT tutorial video helped me unlock it, but I forgot which video it may have been. I remember that I was sitting down and literally trying to “choke” down my air by tightening my throat and inhaling. I was so excited when it finally worked and I was able to do short hiccup burps. 28 now and still burping regularly, but I have to admit my burps are still aren’t as good as my cousins’, despite practicing every day for several years. Some people are just naturals, I think.

I have sometimes wonder if my fetish stems from these early experiences with them—I recall a deep fascination with their burps and a burning desire to burp like them from a very early age.


Some are just naturals for sure, and I envy them greatly! One of the cousins that used to blast them still does freely all the time- she kindof does a little swallow before any natural burp that like…amplifies it.

Anyhow I wonder about that too- it being the first time I was seriously fascinated by burps. Core memory indeed lol


I didnt have anyone to teach me, had to learn all on my own :sweat_smile:

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I appreciate it when people share testimonies of learning at a later age lol.
The vast majority of people learn it as kids/teens, and a dramatic shift in a person’s talent is still something that’s hard to come by, which makes the whole concept of learning from scratch or having a dramatic improvement feel like a myth, or at least, a rarity.

I also think it’s very interesting how so many regulars here (a community dedicated to burping) can’t burp on command at all. In reality, there are many factors involved in that result, and many of those users were probably never too interested in learning in the first place, but I still can’t help but feel demotivated from those numbers when it comes to the likelihood of new people learning and improving as adults.

I really want to see more people shatter the illusion of the talent being a static thing.

I realized I haven’t answered the question. I figured out air swallowing spontaneously as a kid. A few years later, in middle school, I saw that people were able to long ones with continuous gulping. (I’d already realized it was possible before but I just never really cared lol.) Then, with me already having the fetish, I was exposed to many talented girls, each with their own unique variations of the techniques, and I always tried to understand what they exactly did and what caused the differences between their burps, even if I didn’t always implement it myself.


I love that you’re so happy to hear of folks learning as adults!

I will say that had I taken that same poll six months ago I would answered totally opposite- there’s always that potential to learn. I feel like a lot of people feel like they simply can’t and therefor don’t try…when in actuality there are so many reasons why one could teach themselves not to burp or not to burp too loudly…essentially training your body around the function. I think that’s what happened to me, and what I’m doing now is basically training my body to support that function again.

There is also a mental aspect here that has been so crucial for me. One of the biggest turning points I had was after reading a post somewhere that said you have to forget the idea that you can’t burp…you have to believe that you can do this. That is the first step…(this makes total sense to me given meditation/manifestation things I already practice) So I started to really coach myself to believe too and to visualize myself belching and really letting them go.

I’ve made awesome progress and I’m so proud (husband is proud of me too haha) but that flap in my throat keeps closing abruptly when I try to release swallowed air, so I started to research how to relax it…and wouldn’t you know the first thing they recommend is overall meditation and visualization of the muscles relaxing. (also the math is mathing given how many folks carry tension in their shoulders/neck and how that might also relate to tension in the throat)


It’s also a good idea to do neck and shoulders exercises to really get that stretch, too. I hold a lot of tension there, but I’ve been doing little burps ever since I started the exercises.

Laying flat on your back and lifting your chin is a good one, or trying to imagine a golf ball in the back of your throat might work for some people too!

I’ve been to eek out a few on command ones this way, which I’m super proud of considering I’ve only just started burping at all. It’s as exciting as I hoped it was :slight_smile:


I remember i used to do alot of outside work wheb i was younger. Kind of out of boredom i wanted to see if i could make myself burp louder and longer and just kind of practiced it until i found a system that works for me. After a few months i got pretty good at it.


It was the same for me. I had 2 older cousins who burped very loud all the time and I envied them so much, because not only couldn’t I burp on command, but I wasn’t able to burp at all. They often bullied me with burps and that shaped not only my fetish but also my homosexuality, for what I can remember.
I have been unable to burp till my 30s, when I started suddenly doing some tiny natural ones with soybean milk and I pushed myself to do more and bigger, till I learned how to swallow and inhale. I am also practicing almost daily and I am really proud (and horny) of what I have achieved, even though I still feel I cannot match the louder of my cousins. But I am getting better and better, maybe I’ll get there at some point. For whoever has given up, I just want to tell that I have considered myself hopeless for over 2 decades and you can see where I got now from some of the videos I posted in the other sections: keep trying and exploring all movements in your throat till you make it. If I did it, you can too.


Motivation=(Benifit-Cost)×Chance to succeed

Also thinking about the fetish as science makes it even harder to do it. It comes down to a tricky thing. Your brain doesn’t know where to start. Setting goals is key here. Realistic, consistent, actionable goals. Consistent? Don’t move the goal posts after every succuss and acknowledge the success with patting on your shoulder and saying good job. Don’t set abtract goals.

Right Posture is a factor, but that’s part of the system. In the beginning it will cost you more than you learn and offloading things. Make it a habit, and have fun eperimenting with burping. It’s odd an it’s fun!

Extra tip: track your small wins to move forward. Otherwise pitfall ahead captain!


The only person I know for sure in my life that can burp on command is my Aunt and i always grew up wanting to ask her to teach me but I’ve heard her do it literally twice in my life so I dont think she’d be down to do it lol. I’ve tried desperatley to learn from tutorials but no luck. Anyone want to mentor me lol.


One of my friends when I was 10. He was the only one who could beat me at a burping contest after that. I used to annoy one of my friends by pretending I had to tell him something then burping loud as fuck in his ear. lol


I’m one of those rare cases where i taught myself, never really knew anyone who could do it (still don’t). I’m glad i finally got as far as i have. I went from just like hiccuping at 16 to fairly solid burps at 18. I wish i could get them better/more consistent tho (don’t have much practice opportunity). An all out burping contest is still on my bucket list.


How do you know? What’s the story haha

Well she was feeding and burping my infant cousin and said to my brother show him how to burp. He couldn’t so she said, you cant burp on command? Then did one pretty effortlessly.

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Same, but I’ve always had this natural ability to control my burps. They were big even when I was young. I remember my mom, dad, older brother and I were always having wicked massive burps - especially my mom. One time as a kid my brother got a brand new air hockey table for Christmas one year and while we were playing a game together I was trying to burp the alphabet. I made it all the way to W before spewing up a little puddle of foam, right in front of the goalie net. After that day the little air holes didn’t blow air out of the one spot I puked on and he got rid of the whole table not long after cuz the puck would always come to a dead stop right in front of the one goal :face_with_hand_over_mouth: my mom wasnt even mad, she thought it was absolutely hilarious


Sounds like an awesome family lol.

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That’s hilarious :joy:

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