AutoComper - A Program for Automatic Compilation Creation


A GUI wrapper for automatic comp creation, built using TKinter in Python.

Source Code

Also check out and SoundReader for more fully-featured options for automatic comps.


I’ve been working on creating a program that uses TheCrack’s automatic compilation AI, but with a GUI instead of having to use a command line. I hope this program will help those uncomfortable/unfamiliar with using a command line as a smoother way to make automatic compilations.

Full disclosure: I don’t plan on putting too much time into maintaining this/adding new stuff. If you would like a more feature-complete and better-maintained alternative, please check out


  1. Download the program for your preferred platform.
  • Windows: Unzip the file and run AutoComper.exe
  • Linux: Untar the file and run ./AutoComper
  • Mac: Don’t have a Mac to build the program on, sorry fellas. If you are tech-savvy, you can try building/running the program directly from the source code.
  1. Click “Add videos” and select all the videos you want to compile. Once added, you can reorder them with the arrow buttons or remove any videos added by mistake.

  2. Change the options as needed. If you aren’t familiar with them, the defaults should be “good enough” for most videos. You can also choose whether to comp each selected video as its own edit, or combine everything into one long compilation. For further details, hover your cursor over the input boxes to read the tooltips.

  3. Click “Select output file” and pick where to save the result.

  4. Click “Process videos”. If needed, you can cancel the compilation by clicking the “X” button on the right.


Like I said, I don’t really want to put that much more time into this; this was my first time using TKinter, so the code is pretty garbage + hard to add things on to. That being said, let me know if you have any feature requests or issues preventing you from using the program and I will address them once I have time.

If you’re familiar with GitHub, I will also check the issues and pull requests every now and then, so feel free to make my bad code slightly less bad if you’re up for it.

Now how can I put this on my resume without having to explain what it actually does…


Heads-up: Looks like the exe will trigger many common antiviruses. As much as I would love to have the program automatically send me all your comps, I did not hide any malware in the program. I believe the culprit is the method I used to build the program.

That being said, I understand if you’re all skeptical about the program. In addition to providing the source code for transparency, I’ll try and get a fix out ASAP.

This is hopefully fixed with the latest release. Please download the latest version and let me know if the issue still persists. Thank you for your patience!

For the tech-savvy people, the program is now built using cx_freeze instead of pyinstaller. In addition to not falsely triggering antiviruses, it makes the build process very smooth. 10/10 would recommend

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and that’s where Q has us all beat, i do wonder if he sometimes peeks at the burps on his scanner site, he’d have more burps than all of us tenfold

If something is causing an error I’ll check why that’s happening but otherwise I don’t look at urls. I have my own methods for finding new content.


i keep getting an onnxruntime error for couldnt allocate enough memory for buffer of siz\e

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Must the videos be downloaded to add to the program?

For example how would i run a twitch stream on here

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Did you change the block size value? It might be that your computer doesn’t have enough memory for whatever value was picked.

Try picking a smaller value (i.e. 200-300) and let me know if that fixes it, otherwise I’ll look into the issue further.

Yes, currently this program only supports downloaded video files. If enough people want the feature I’ll look into adding URL support, but already supports URLs if you need an alternative.


I think the block size value changer doesnt work, i set it to 1 and nothing changed it used a TON of ram

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yo bro it doesnt fix it, can you please look into it :pray:

Just looked through the code, I think I know what the issue is.

Sorry if the program is unusable for you in the meantime; I’ll try to work on it ASAP!

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thankyou bro!

I think the latest changes fix the issue. Please download the latest release and let me know if it still doesn’t work!


thanks man, you’re a hero, its working now

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could you add the ability to analyze audio only files? The basic scanner goes off sound so it should be pretty trivial to implement correct? really want to go through some podcast recordings.


It works great, thank you so much for making this. It makes things so much easier!

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hey, used it, and it’s great! know the question already been made, but you plan with the tool work with URL?

Thanks for the feedback. I’ve been pretty busy recently, but I’m hoping to add the features people have requested (audio-only files and URL support) within the next couple weeks.


Thank you for creating this tool. Using this in tandem with jDownloader lets you go through whole channels (takes a lot of space of course) but I see this method being great for mukbang channels