If a FICTIONAL character was real and could burp...who?

Inuyasha is my favorite anime of all time. I canโ€™t imagine how big of a burp he would let put. Especially considering he eats so much :heart_eyes: :heart_eyes: :heart_eyes: :heart_eyes: :heart_eyes:


Same here

Iโ€™ve got two main ones


Iโ€™d like to hear Disney princes and other hot non prince Disney guys burp too like John Smith from Pocahontas or Phoebus from Hunchback of Notre Dame.
The only ones we got were an uncertain one from Naveen from The Princess & the Frog (some people thought his throat bulging out or whatever you would call it when he was a frog was a burp) and Eugene/Flynn Rider in the Tangled series.


Anyone here watch Hetalia?
I would love to hear America, Italy, France, Japan, and China burp.

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Yes! Mine too! I have such a soft spot for not just the character but the anime as a whole! It will always have a special place in my heart :heart:

As for imagining him belching because of his appetite and gluttonous behavior and what not I talked about that exact same thing in this post here X3


Same here, I will always have a soft spot for inuyasha

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This is being added way too late, but I forgot Suki from Atla,preferable without her make-up.

Also forgot Miss Martian from Young Justice.

New one is Beelzebub from the mobile game Obey Me. Heโ€™s the avatar of gluttony and is always hungry, so it kinda speaks for itself.


Has anyone seen the anime drifting dragons?I feel like Mika could definitely rip out some huge burps. Expecially with his appetite :joy:

Jade and Kitana from Mortal Kombat 11.


Absolutely him! I got the game just for him and I know there are small communities for similar content on tumblr, it boggles my mind that Iโ€™ve yet to see anyone draw/write something for him

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I honestly wouldnโ€™t be surprised if they made Beel burp at some point, haha.

Editing this a year later to confirm they finally did! Albeit not in audio form but Iโ€™ll take what I can get.


Violet as well:}

I could probably come up with a whole list (already mentioned Disney princes in here)- I normally fancy characters BECAUSE they burp, but Agent X from The Cramp Twins, yes please (itโ€™s mostly his voice thatโ€™s sexy lol)

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Imma just add Darien & Nephlite from Sailor Moon (been rewatching it lately lol)

Really feel like any Marvel/DC, comic gals would let loose some gas at any point lol, Avengers tower burping contest definitely happen on weekends, hell even with the X-Men

Carol Danvers v Jennifer walters, Emma Frost v Rogue etc etc lmao


Now I want to see these contests in the MCU lol! Brie Larson has proved herself to be a decent belcher, it would be cool to hear one of her burps in Captain Marvel 2 or any other MCU movie with Carol Danvers.